I took the one with the rubber band, grabbing the monkey bar with my hands before I stepped onto it. I bounced on it a little, checking to see if it would snap in half like the first one. Nope. I then started to pull myself up, surprised at how fast I was able to do that.
“I’m not sure I need this,” I spoke after a few pulls, “This feels too easy.”
“The first couple reps should feel easy,” Courtney explained. “It’s when you get to the last half of them that you should feel some strain in your muscles.”
“Oh.” I nodded, continuing with the pull-up.
“Wait, Lo, what are you doing?” Courtney asked, a giggle escaping her lips as she eyeballed my hands on the bar.
“A pull-up?” I asked, eyeballing my own hands now because I didn’t trust myself.
“Why are your hands like that?” Courtney smiled a little as she lifted a blonde eyebrow at me.
“Like what?”
“This is backward?”
“Well, no, it’s just significantly harder to do a pull-up that way.”
“Hmm, well maybe I’m just great at pull-ups.”
“Really? Do one like that without the rubber band.”
I crossed my eyes at Courtney, making her laugh as I hopped down and untied the rubber band. I felt eyes on me and allowed myself one single quick glance at Logan as he stopped his pull-ups to watch me bend down and remove the assistance.
I then reached up on my tip toes and grabbed the bar like I had before, the back of my hands facing me as I tried to lift myself up.
My body stayed put.
Holy hell I was heavy.
“Give me a moment, I just gotta warm up first,” I grunted, relaxing my muscles, and shaking my hands out. Courtney laughed.
“Of course.” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.
I closed my eyes and tried again, my toes still not leaving the ground as a grumble escaped my throat at my failure.
“I thought you were great at pull-ups?” Courtney asked. I kept my eyes closed but smiled, shaking my head at her. Suddenly, I felt a warm presence behind me right when I relaxed and the heels of my feet touched the ground again.
Two large, rough hands grabbed my wrists. My eyes flew open to see Logan standing directly behind me, his hands twisting my wrists around so that I was holding the bar like Courtney was. The back of my hands facing away from me.
He eyeballed me in the mirror we were doing pull-ups in front of.
We never stood this close to each other before.
Well, with the exception of Courtney and Josh’s engagement party.
However, this was the first time I truly got a visual representation of our size differences. He was both taller and wider than me. I was stunned. I knew I wasn’t the largest woman in the world, but I felt like a child compared to him. His chin would brush against the top of my head if he leaned forward instead of to the side of me. His tanned skin was a large contrast to see against my paler complexion. The blush on my face and neck that resulted from his close proximity completely gave me away.
I was affected by how close he was, which was only slightly humiliating considering he was already convinced that I wanted to ride his dick.
His dark eyes scanned my face for only a couple of seconds before the jut of his chin told me to try again. So I did. This time, my body lifted off the ground just a little bit more. My toes only left the ground for a second before my arms shook and I landed on the ground again.
“Fuck me,” I breathed, surprised at how little strength my arms had. I felt Logan stiffen behind me, his dark eyebrows inching up the slightest bit based on what I saw in the reflection of the mirror before he jutted his chin forward for me to try again.
“Bossy,” I grumbled, squeezing my eyes shut as I inhaled and pulled.