Page 89 of Alpha Wild

Someone’s coming!

“Cedara!?” My mother’s eyes are wild. She’s clinging to the bars between us.

My heart hammers as the footsteps draw nearer, each thud reverberating through my bones.

The door crashes open, and suddenly Casey’s there, chest heaving, keys clutched in her white-knuckled grip. “Come on, let’s get you out of her!” she barks, rushing forward.

Relief washes over me as she jams the key into the lock. But it won’t turn, the rusted metal groaning in protest. Casey spits a curse, yanking harder until finally the key snaps clean off, clattering uselessly to the floor.

“No!” My mother’s voice is shrill with panic.

Casey slams her shoulder against the bars, but they don’t so much as rattle. Of course – these cells were built to contain wolves at their strongest. She snarls in frustration, her eyes burning as she begins to shift.

Instinct takes over, and I feel my own bones contorting, muscles rippling beneath my skin. Within seconds, I’m half-transformed, throwing my powerful frame against the unforgiving metal. It’s no use – the bars hold firm.

My mother has also assumed her wolf form, but her movements are sluggish, her once-sleek black coat now streaked with the silver that the years have added. She makes a low whining sound, crouching low. I can’t let her face this!

I turn frantic eyes on Casey. “Get her out! She can’t stay here!”

Casey hesitates, then nods. “We’re getting out of here, Sybil!” When my mother shrinks back, she grabs my mother’s scruff firmly, tugging insistently. With one last anguished look at me, Mom allows herself to be dragged away.

Alone now, I grit my teeth against the deafening roar of gunfire. My hackles rise as boots thump ever closer. I’m trapped – a sitting duck. But I won’t go down without a fight.



I’m shaking with apprehension at the sounds from outside, convinced that any minute, the door is going to fly open, and armed attackers are going to burst in. My nerves are strung taut, but I hold myself firm, ready to attack.

I press myself back against the cold concrete wall, my heart thundering. The gunfire and shouts have grown closer, more intense. I can make out heavy steps approaching once more.

The door swings open with a crash, and a huge, burly man storms in, weapon raised. My nostrils twitch at the scent of human. They must have gotten in somehow.

What the hell’s going on?

I bare my teeth.

He lets out a laugh that makes my blood run cold. “Well, well, what have we here? All wrapped up and ready to be shipped out.” He advances. “Looks like the boss will be pleased with this haul after all. The raid may have been a bust, but at least we won’t be leaving empty-handed.”


I can’t believe this nightmare isn’t over. Just when I’d started to hope that my life might finally be on track, here’s more danger, more threats.

“Get away from me, you bastard!” I grate the words, my beast still evident. “They’ll be here any second. Get away while you can.”

He scoffs. “Doesn’t look like you’re in any position to be making threats, she-wolf.” He reaches the door to the cell and scowls down at it.


These people know what we are.

He rattles the door to the cell, his brow furrowing as he sees the ruined lock. At least the reinforced door won’t open for this brute. Safe for now, I watch warily as he grows increasingly frustrated, kicking and slamming against the locked entrance in a futile attempt to force it open.

Finally, he draws his weapon and fires off a round at the locking mechanism. The explosion is deafening, but the bullet pings off and ricochets away. I flinch at the sound but hold myself steady.

“It’s no use. You won’t get it open,” I smirk, putting on a show of bravado.

His crazed eyes lock on me again, and I shrink back, fresh fear gripping me. “If I can’t get you out, then I might as well put you down right here!” He raises the gun, sighting down the barrel right at me. I dart aside just as he fires off a round that gouges into the concrete where I’d been standing. Chunks of debris pelt me, but I barely notice, my focus entirely on the weapon and the malice on his face.