Page 78 of Alpha Wild

“We should turn back. There’s not much more to see here; we’re just wasting time.”

Edirn hums in agreement, and we retrace our steps in silence. We’re not far from the gates to Steel Lakes when flashing lights up ahead have us both tensing. We slow our pace as we approach the police cars clustered at the side of the road, one of the officers already eyeing us warily.

“You boys need to stay back,” he calls out gruffly as we draw nearer. “Active crime scene ahead.”

I nod quickly. “No problem, officer. We’re just looking around. We live near here.”

He sizes us up skeptically. “You mean the weird artist’s place? Steel something?”

Edirn and I exchange a quick glance. So much for staying under the radar.

“Yeah,” I confirm. “That’s us.”

“Funny,” the cop scoffs, “you don’t look much like artists to me.”

I take in my rumpled jeans and scuffed boots, Edirn’s military-style fatigues. He’s got a point – we’re a far cry from your typical artsy type.

“We’re sculptors,” I explain smoothly. “We do concrete installations. Tends to be pretty heavy-duty work.”

The cop appears to accept this, giving a grunt of acknowledgment. “Well, you’d best steer clear of the area. Nasty business up ahead.”

“We heard something about an attack?” Edirn pipes up, feigning casual curiosity.

The officer’s eyes narrow slightly, like he’s debating how much to share. “Looks like someone tangled with a wild animal and came out on the losing end,” he allows finally. “You boys be careful around those parts.”

“Will do,” I assure him with a tight smile. “Appreciate the warning.”

We turn and head back the way we came, my mind racing. Leadmills wolves killing humans right on our doorstep? That’s a bold move, even for them. Edirn must be thinking along the same lines.

“You’ve got suspicions about this,” I murmur once we’re out of earshot.

He gives me a grim look, trudging steadily forward. “More than a few.”

“Like what?” I’m beginning to draw some conclusions of my own.

“Like, this shit isn’t random. The rogues over at Leadmills don’t have any issues with killing for sport, but why here?”

“Because they want the cops focusing here. On Steel Lakes.” I’m not liking where this is going.

“And now would be the perfect time to pull a stunt like this. After the shit over at Whispering Pines, everyone is twitchy. They’re just looking for an excuse to bag a wolf. And Steel Lakes have several hundred of us.”

“That’s if we shift,” I remind him.

He hits me with a level stare. He doesn’t have to say the words out loud. The authorities are hunting wolves out here. Meanwhile, my woman is running rampant. The timing couldn’t be worse.

We keep walking in silence for a while, our boots scuffing the asphalt.

“I can’t say I blame him,” I say, at last.

“Jagger.” He knows what I’m thinking.

“Yeah. He has to weigh up the safety of the pack against hers. Even if she isn’t actually dangerous, he’s probably thinking that she might just lose control and draw them to us.” I heave a sigh. Talk about a rock and a hard place. “He’s just doing his duty. He’s a good Alpha.”

“Yeah,” says Edirn. “Doesn’t mean you’re gonna give up, though.”

“Oh, hell no!” I’m more determined than ever.

“So what’s next? We take what we’ve found to Jagger?”