Page 63 of Alpha Wild

“We’d appreciate that, Sybil,” I reply. “I’ll call later.”

At least, I hope I will.

“Lovely. Thank you, sweetie. Now, you two have a good time.”

I can imagine that she’s winking as she says it.

I don’t relax until the sound of her footsteps has faded completely. Neither does Cedara. But when it’s quiet, she goes back to her maddening pacing.

I sink down onto my butt, leaning my back against the wall. I rest my forearms on my raised knees and survey the prowling wolf. Her breath is coming quickly, panting a little.

Why is this happening, dammit?

She casts a glance at me, then keeps going.

“I’m going to stay right here until you get through this, my love.” I settle back against the wall. “I don’t care how long it takes.”

Four hours later, Cedara’s stopped pacing. Now she’s sitting beside the door, facing me. I can only imagine she’s exhausted.

“Do you need some water?” I stand and head to the kitchen, where I fill a bowl. It eats me up inside to think that she’s going to have to lap from it like a dog.

I push the thought aside. I don’t care as long as she’s comfortable.

The phone rings. It’s Casey. I answer it. “Well, this makes a nice change from you simply hammering on the door.” I’m surprised at how calm I sound.

“Would you like me to do that?”

God, she’s snarky.

“No. What’s this about?” It feels like I say that a lot these days.

“You know that thing you discussed with Jagger yesterday?” She’s cagey.


“It happened again. Two this time. Couple of youngsters out near the old buildings just outside the north perimeter line.”

My blood runs cold. That’s too close.

“So? What of it?” I keep my voice neutral.

“Where’s Cedara?” Damn, she’s so fucking blunt.

“Right here with me.” At least her wolf is. I’ll keep that to myself.

“And last night?”

“Same thing. She was with me all night.” I expel a breath. “Look, if you’re trying to get at something, why not just come right out and say it? You think Cedara’s involved somehow.”

“Actually, I don’t,” she says. “Not after yesterday. Besides, Edirn has some theories about this, and I think he’s right.”

“Really? What theories?” I’m curious.

“He says her thoughts are jumbled, but there’s no malice in them. She’s confused and scared, but she’ll do anything for you.”

“Her thoughts are jumbled? What the fuck does that mean?” Now I’m confused.

Casey goes on, “He read her thoughts, and they’re—”