Page 56 of Alpha Wild

I replay the memories of last night again, picturing his body, the way his muscles flexed and rippled beneath my exploring hands. Yes, he would make an exceptional mate; I can’t deny it.

And my wolf seems to recognize this, too. The way she instinctively trusts him, finds comfort in his presence… It’s as if some deeper part of me has already accepted him as my destined partner.

So why am I fighting it?

Am I actually fighting it? Because it’s only my head that has a problem with this concept. The rest of me – my heart, my body, the wolf – those parts seem to have accepted him without question.

Drawing a steadying breath, I move to gather some clothes when there’s a thumping at the door.

“What’s taking you so long?” The voice of the she-wolf has me jumping.

At the sound, I feel a surge of instinctive defensiveness rise within me. My hands curl into fists, and I find myself crouching as if to lunge forward. My eyes flash to the mirror, and I gasp – my irises are glowing with an eerie, wolf-like luminescence.

Shit! No!

It can’t be happening again! I squeeze my eyes shut, forcing myself to take deep, calming breaths. I picture Barrett’s face, his warm smile, the gentle strength in his eyes. The thought of him soothes the beast within me, and I feel the animal energy start to subside. I sigh with relief.

“I’m coming,” I call out, proud that my voice sounds steady.

I dress quickly, pulling on a soft sweater and jeans. With one last glance in the mirror to ensure I’m fully human again, I rejoin Casey and Edirn in the living room, reclaiming my spot on the chair near the window. Right now, it feels like a promise of freedom that’s just out of reach.

Edirn’s gaze finds mine, his expression inscrutable yet somehow reassuring. Casey, on the other hand, eyes me with unveiled suspicion, her lips pressed into a thin line. I want to growl at her.

Barrett. Think of Barrett.

“What’s going on?” I ask, addressing them both. “Why did Jagger want to speak with Barrett?”

Casey’s eyes narrow further. “Maybe you already know.”

I frown at her insinuation. What is she implying?

“Are you trying to say that… That I’m somehow involved in…whatever it is that’s happening?”

She shrugs. “No idea. You tell me.”

The unease rising within me triggers another flare of defensive instinct. I can feel my wolf straining against my control, her hackles raising at the perceived threat.

No, I can’t lose it now!

Panicked, I glance at Edirn, and he seems to read the silent plea in my eyes.

“Think of Barrett,” he murmurs, so low I barely catch the words. It’s like he’s echoing my thoughts, knows exactly what I need. I latch onto the thought, picturing his face, the solidity of his embrace. It isn’t long before I feel myself steadying.

Still, I breathe a sigh of relief when the tension is broken by the arrival of my mother and Aunt Juliette.

“You can’t come in here!” Casey snaps. Her objection falls on deaf ears. They bustle into the apartment, all bright smiles and cheerful chatter, completely oblivious to the charged atmosphere between Casey and me.

“We brought snacks!” Mom announces brightly, holding up a tray laden with an assortment of finger foods. Aunt Juliette follows close behind, carrying a pitcher of what looks like fresh lemonade.

Casey scowls, clearly displeased by the intrusion, but she doesn’t protest as the two older women begin setting out the food and drinks on the coffee table.

“Come now, Casey,” Aunt Juliette scolds gently. “No need for such a sour face. You look like you could use something to nibble on.”

Her playful tone lifts my mood immediately. My aunt has always been the life and soul of any gathering. She catches my eye and winks conspiratorially.

Edirn, ever the peacekeeper, rises to help them get settled. “Thank you, ladies. This looks wonderful.”

Mom smiles at him before turning her attention back to me. “How are you feeling today, baby?” She clasps my hands in her warm grip.