Page 45 of Alpha Wild

“That’s important to you?”

“Sure is. I’d go out of my mind if I lived under someone’s thumb. It’s probably why I left my home pack. I knew they’d try to control me. It’s how most packs are.”

“But not Steel Lakes. It’s different here.” I’ve seen that in the way the Alpha tolerates so much from everyone…yet still runs things with an iron fist.

“Very different.” His lips quirk up. “You’ll find a place here, Cedara. Give it a little time, and pretty soon, you’ll feel the same sense of belonging that we all do.”

I stay silent. I think I like that idea.

He stares at me for a few long seconds, then sits up abruptly. “I’m going to take a look around the place,” he says. “Make sure everything’s locked down for the night.” He leans forward and brushes his lips over my forehead as casually as if he’s been doing it all our lives. “Get some rest. I’ll be right back.”

He swings his long legs from the bed and rises, heading for the door. I watch the broad lines of his back, my cheeks warming as I remember how I’d eyed him much the same way that night he’d been naked.

I’d pay money to check out his bare ass right now.

What the hell, Cedara?

I fight down a small, secret smile. There’s a little bubbling sensation in my chest that feels a lot like…happiness.

I could be happy in this place. I could be happy here with him. As soon as I get a grip on the changes that keep coming over me, it’ll will all fall into place.

I think maybe this could work out.

I think maybe everything’s going to be fine.

Chapter 16


I wake to the scent of coffee and bacon, and something in me rumbles in approval. I sit up and stretch. There’s an indentation in the covers beside me where she’d slept last night. We rested side by side. There’d never been a question of it. No need to discuss sleeping arrangements or feel awkward about any of it. I’d returned, settled down, and she’d curled up against me. All so easy and natural. As if it was meant to be.

It is meant to be.

I rise from the bed. She’s humming from the kitchen to the accompaniment of the splatter of fat. As melodies go, it’s unconventional, but I’ll take it. I leave the bedroom, stopping off in the bathroom to wash up before heading through to find her. I’m leaning against the doorframe when she turns to face me. Her eyes flit down to my bare chest, then back up to my face. Something flickers in her expression.

“Good morning,” she says, almost shyly.

“You’re up early.” It feels like we only fell asleep a few hours ago. Then again, time has raced by these past few days.

“Not that early. And I figured I owed you breakfast. I wanted to surprise you.” Her dimples pop when she smiles.

“You don’t owe me anything.” I peel away from the door and cross the kitchen floor, stopping behind her. She’s turned back to the cooker, pushing rashers around in a skillet. “Smells good.” My breath moves the little tendrils of hair on her neck. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure she shivers.

“Can’t go wrong with bacon.” She keeps her attention on the bubbling fat.

“For sure.” I back off as she turns with the hot skillet in hand, heading to a counter where plates are set out. “There’s coffee if you want it.” She nods toward a pot nearby.

I pour myself a mug of the rich, dark brew and take a sip, letting the warmth spread through me. Cedara’s eyes follow me as I move back to the counter and lean against it. There’s a softness in her gaze that makes my chest tighten.

“This is nice,” I say, gesturing to the plates laden with bacon, eggs, and toast. “You didn’t have to go to all this trouble.”

She shakes her head, those golden curls swaying. “It’s no trouble. I wanted to.”

I take another sip of coffee, watching her over the rim of the mug. She’s fussing with the cutlery, lining up the knives and forks just so. Her movements are delicate, precise. Again, I’m taken by how small and fragile she seems. Then she pauses, chewing on her lower lip. When she looks up at me, her eyes are wide and questioning.

“Everything okay?” I ask gently.

She opens her mouth, closes it again. Then a slight nod. “Yes. It’s just…” A faint blush colors her cheeks. “I’m glad you’re here.”