Page 32 of Alpha Wild

I launch into the facts, sticking to the important details. I need to redeem myself. He’s right. This isn’t like me. I don’t get tangled up like this. “After Alpen broke out of that shithole, all hell broke loose. When I got down there, the place was swarming with local cops.”

I pause, picturing the scene in my mind’s eye. “They blocked off the access roads and started sweeping the perimeter. Search teams with dogs and infrared scanning equipment. They were freaking out because they’d discovered that there were ‘specimens’ missing from their cages.”

Jagger’s eyes narrow dangerously at my last words. I can see the fury simmering behind them at the thought of our kind being caged up.

“That’s when they called in reinforcements from the county,” I continue briskly. “More officers, helicopters doing aerial sweeps of the area. From the comm chatter I overheard, they were even considering bringing in military support if things escalated.”

“Escalated how?” Jagger’s jaw is set in a hard line.

“They seem to think whatever research was happening there involved creating some kind of…I don’t know, super wolves or something.” I shake my head in disgust. “The breakout was caught on surveillance camera. They got footage of Stone in there – though I don’t know if there was enough to ID her. The Wildview pack hadn’t shifted to human, so all they saw was a whole lot of bloodshed, with wolves in the center of it.”

When I pause, Jagger nods for me to go on. His brow has furrowed deeper with every detail.

I forge ahead. “Last I heard, before getting the hell out of there, they were planning to bring in professional hunters and trackers to try to hunt down any wolves still in the area.”

Jagger’s jaw tightens, and I can see the wheels turning behind his eyes. He’s putting it all together – the danger this poses to all of us.

“This is a shit show,” he mutters, dragging a hand down his face. “We can’t have some wolf hunt spilling over into our territory.”

“My thoughts exactly.” I lean back, trying to project an air of calm despite the knot forming in my gut. “If they get a hint that there are more ‘wolves’ around here beyond a few strays…”

Jagger’s nostrils flare as he lets out a harsh breath. “They’ll be all over us like flies on shit.”

We lock eyes for a moment, the unspoken concern hanging heavy between us. If anyone catches wind of Steel Lakes…that we’re not just some kind of “artists” commune…

I shake my head, refusing to dwell on the possibilities. “We need to get ahead of this,” I say, keeping my voice level. “Maybe set up a patrol, put out some feelers to monitor their movements.”

“No patrols,” Jagger counters. “Not until we know more about their numbers and capabilities.” His shoulders are taut with tension, the muscle in his jaw working furiously. “The last thing we need is one of our wolves getting spotted and shot full of tranquilizers.”

“True,” I agree. I’ve been so preoccupied with getting back here, getting Cedara to safety, that I’ve taken my eye off the ball. This development could have far-reaching consequences.

Jagger rises, pushing his chair back. “I’d better call a meeting. Can’t have our people going out there and shifting, then getting caught.” He’s resolute.

I stand, too. “Listen, Jagger…” I pull in a breath. “I’m sorry. I messed up. There are a lot of things I should have done differently.”

He eyes me for a moment, then gives a terse nod. “I get it. Yeah, it was fucking stupid, but I did a lot of stupid things, too, before Sierra and I sealed our bond.” He shrugs. “The good thing is that we’ve caught this thing before it could turn into a disaster. Just try to keep your head out of your ass from now on.”

“I swear, I’ll—”

The door flies open, and we both spin around as Casey barges through.

“Chord!” she says sharply. “They need you down at the clinic. Now!”

“What?” I’m confused for a second.

“That female you brought in. She’s gone wild.”

Chapter 12


No! I can’t!

I’m curled up on the examination table, my heart racing as the doctor approaches me with a needle. Memories of my captivity flash through my mind – the cages, the restraints, the fear of never seeing my family again. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block it out, but it’s no use. The scent of antiseptic and the sterile surroundings transport me back to that godawful place.

I can’t…I can’t!

My breath is coming faster, my lips tingling at the sudden rush of oxygen into my veins. I’m panting.