Page 26 of Alpha Wild

Her eyes widen slightly at my blunt words, but she doesn’t protest. Good. She understands the urgency of our situation.

Shouldering my duffel bag, I take her hand in mine, relishing the spark of connection that jolts through me at the simple touch. Her fingers are slender, but her grip is firm, a reminder of her inner strength. And I love the way she simply lets me touch her in this small way. Like it’s natural for both of us.

With one last glance around the cave that has sheltered us, I lead Cedara out into the pale morning light. We move swiftly and silently, our footsteps muffled by the thick carpet of fallen leaves and pine needles.

The sounds of the search parties are distant but ever-present – shouts, helicopters overhead, the barking of dogs. My senses strain to detect any sign that we’re being pursued.

Cedara matches my pace effortlessly, her movements lithe and graceful. Despite the direness of our situation, I can’t help but steal glances at her as we hurry through the forest. The way the sunlight filters through the trees, casting dappled patterns across her smooth skin. The firm set of her jaw. The wild tumble of her golden hair.

She is stunning. Fierce and beautiful and brave.

My mate.

The thought still sends a shiver of disbelief and wonder through me. How is it possible to feel such an intense bond with someone I’ve only just met? And yet, the proof is undeniable – in the way my body seems to gravitate toward hers, the way my wolf howls for her on an instinctive level.

No time for that now!

We will have time for explanations later. For now, I must get her to safety.

I grip Cedara’s hand tighter as the barking of dogs closing in reaches my ears. She tenses beside me, no doubt picking up the same sounds.

We move more cautiously now. The crunch of boots on the forest floor grows louder, accompanied by harsh voices.


This is exactly what I was afraid of.

I tug Cedara closer, our bodies brushing together as we peer through the trees. An armed unit is fanning out ahead, baying dogs straining at their leashes as they catch our scent. The animals are unsettled, growling low in their throats. No doubt sensing that we’re not quite human.

Cedara stiffens, her eyes flashing amber for the briefest instant. I squeeze her fingers in warning.

Don’t shift…for fuck’s sake, don’t shift!

“Stay calm,” I murmur under my breath. “Follow my lead.”

She gives the slightest dip of her head, her expression schooled into one of meek compliance as we step out onto the trail. The unit leader’s head snaps around at our approach, his hand dropping to the gun at his hip.

“What the fuck are you doing out here?” he barks.

“Whoa!” I stop in my tracks, trying to look unassuming. “Easy now. We don’t want any trouble. What’s going on here?”

“You folks need to get out of these woods,” he snaps. “Didn’t you hear there was an incident out here? Dangerous animals on the loose.”

I raise my free hand in a calming gesture. “We didn’t realize, sir. Just a couple of hikers out enjoying nature.” I let my voice take on a slightly sheepish tone. “Got a bit…preoccupied, if you catch my drift.” I smile at Cedara as if sharing a secret. With any luck, he’ll think we’ve been out indulging in some “alfresco” romance.

The man’s eyes flick between Cedara and me, his mouth quirking in understanding. “Well, you can’t be too careful right now. We’ve got reports of a pack of killer wolves that escaped from…well, we’re not sure what. But they’re a danger.”

“Of course, officer,” I reply easily. “We’ll get right out.”

“I’ll send some men with you,” the man says. “Not safe to be out alone.”

“No!” Cedara blurts.

I give her hand another warning squeeze as her eyes widen slightly. “That won’t be necessary,” I cut in. “We’re parked not far from here.”

The leader considers this for a moment before giving a shrug. “Suit yourself. Just stick to the marked trails, and you should be fine. But I’d suggest getting a move on before those animals double back this way.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you for the warning.” I start backing away, tugging Cedara with me.