Page 21 of Alpha Wild

That’s when I see them – two points of eerie yellow light shining from the heavy blackness within the cave. A low, rumbling growl follows, the sound raising the hairs at the nape of my neck.

I freeze, the duffel bag slipping from my fingers as I take an involuntary step backward. “Cedara?” I repeat. “It’s me, Barrett. You’re safe.”

The growling intensifies, becoming a menacing snarl. The glowing eyes seem to sear straight through me from the darkness.

Slowly, a massive shape begins to emerge, her golden fur glinting in the dim light filtering in from outside. While the woman herself may be petite, Cedara’s wolf is huge, muzzle wrinkled back to expose gleaming fangs as another warning growl rumbles forth.

I raise my hands, keeping my movements slow and deliberate so as not to startle her further. “Easy, now. You know me, Cedara, remember?”

She doesn’t respond, her gaze locked on me with single-minded intensity. If anything, the growling grows louder, more threatening.

“You need to shift back,” I say evenly, fighting to keep my voice calm and level. “It’s not safe like this. The cops, the hunters…we can’t hide out here as wolves.”

Cedara remains motionless for a long moment; then her lips curl back further in an unmistakable snarl of challenge.

She’s not changing.

Chapter 8


“Cedara, listen to me.” His voice is low, his hand outstretched toward me. “We have to get out of here. We can’t do that with you as a wolf.”

I bare my teeth as Barrett tries to reason with me. His words register, but something bestial stirs inside me at his increasingly forceful tone.

“Cedara, you have to listen to me,” he says, his voice firm. “There are cops out there who are going to think you’re one of the wolves that escaped if they see you like this. And not just cops. They’re going to bring in hunters…dogs…even armed forces. I can’t protect you from that.”

Protect me…

A chill runs through me at his words, but the wolf remains defiant. I can’t change back, not now. Not with the fear pulsing through my veins, the instinct to fight or flee overwhelming every rational thought.

“Please,” Barrett implores, taking a step closer. “We need to get out of here before it’s too late.”

I snarl, hackles lifting as the wolf takes over. His proximity feels like a threat, his demands like a challenge to my control. A part of me recognizes the logic in his words, but it’s drowned out by the roar of adrenaline, the need to defend myself at all costs.

“Dammit, Cedara!” Barrett’s patience is fraying. “I’m trying to help you, but you need to snap out of this. Change back, now!”

His commanding tone is the final straw. With a ferocious roar, I lunge forward, jaws snapping mere inches from his face. He recoils, and for a split second, I see the shock and hurt in his eyes. And then they change, the darkness spreading as his features transform. My wild attack is stopped short as a heavy clawed hand curls into the scruff of my neck. He hauls me away with such force that I’m left dangling in the air.

“Enough!” The guttural rumble of his voice has me trembling. I yelp, the sound high-pitched and startled as I stare into the half-human face swimming before me. “We don’t have time for this!” he growls. He’s partially changed into his beast form, and even though I’m fully shifted, I’m no match for him.

I’m panting, partly from exertion but also from fear. I whine; it’s plaintive. He sets me down…gently.

“Fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to do that.” Remorse flickers across his rough-hewn features. He’s huge in his half-shifted state. Terrifying. Sharp fangs protrude from his mouth, the sinews of his neck roping down toward massive shoulders and a chest that’s inhumanly wide. The fabric of his shirt strains, seams splitting.

And then it all begins to subside. Fur melting away, his bulging biceps returning to normal…or as normal as his biceps could be. The human takes over. He’s still a giant of a man. I cower before him, then whimper, backing away.

“Fuck,” he says again, rubbing a hand over his face. “This is not going well.” When he dips down onto one knee, his posture unthreatening, I stop moving. “Cedara, you have to listen to me.” He reaches out. I bare my teeth, but there’s no threat in it, and he seems to know that. A broad palm cups my furred cheek. I whine again.

“I’m trying to help you, beautiful.” His other hand reaches around, and he takes my face in both hands, cradling it. He leans forward until his nose is almost brushing my snout. I stare at him wide-eyed. “I’m not going to hurt you. But you have to change. Please.” Rough thumbs stroke over the fur of my face.

I whine yet again, the sound torn from my throat. The silence stretches out as nothing happens. I’m still a wolf even though I no longer want to be. His impatience ramps up.

“Dammit.” He sits back on his haunches. I mirror his posture, setting my hindquarters down. My soul is aching with the weight of my frustration. Without thinking, I tilt my head back and release a long, mournful howl.

The sound echoes around the small space before ebbing off into silence. A moment later, an answering call floats in from the valley below. It’s followed by another. The sound of wolves reverberates around us.

The sudden report of a weapon has us both jerking in alarm. It’s far away, but still, it’s a dash of cold water.