Page 53 of Alpha Wild

“Suit yourself. I’ll sit here until Jagger comes in and kicks your ass. At least I’ll be doing as I was told.” She pushes past me and flops into one of the couches. “Hey.” She nods at Cedara. It’s as close to a greeting as she’s going to give.

“What’s this about?” I glare at her.

“Are you gonna put some clothes on, or do I have to have this conversation with your dangling dick in my face?” Casey grimaces. Edirn turns from the window where he’s been looking out at where the sun has now risen.

It’s too early for this shit.

I growl under my breath and prowl to the bedroom, where I yank on yesterday’s T-shirt and jeans. When I get back, Edirn is sitting beside his mate. He looks up at me, and I get the strangest sensation from the intensity of his eyes.

I look back at Casey. “So, will you tell me what the hell’s going on now?”

“Ask Jagger.” Casey examines her nails, which are trimmed short and neat. “He just told us to send you over, then take care of the girl.”

“Cedara,” I correct her.

“Sure. Whatever.”


I look over at where Cedara is still crouched under the throw. I don’t like how uncomfortable this is making her. The least Casey could do is show a bit of common courtesy.

Not her style.

“And you have no idea what this is about?” I press, looking around for where I kicked my boots off yesterday. I spot them near the bedroom door, head for them, and pull them on.

“Not a clue,” says Casey. Although even if she knew, I’m sure she wouldn’t tell me. Sometimes, this woman makes my head want to explode. But then again, it’s probably why she’s so damn good at her job. Tough as nails. Heart as stony as her name.

Except now she’s looking over at Edirn, and the tenderness in her expression makes me blink.


I walk over to Cedara and lower myself to my haunches beside her. Her eyes look tortured. “I’m not gonna get out of this.” I huff out a breath. “But I won’t be long. Sit tight, okay?”

She slides a glance past me to where the others are sitting before looking back at me.

“I’ll be fine,” she says. I’m not convinced, but I stroke her hair, press my lips to her forehead, and then rise again.

I turn to the couple on the couch. “Don’t scare her.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Casey has her arms extended along the back of her couch, one ankle over her knee. Her mannerisms are sometimes so masculine it’s easy to overlook the fact that the woman’s a knockout. Not my type, though.

“She’s in good hands, Barrett.” Edirn’s stare is level. He smiles at Cedara, who relaxes a little.

“Fine.” I’m not happy about this. “I’ll be right back.” My words are directed at Cedara. The sooner I leave, the sooner I can return. My impatience is brewing.

By the time I reach Jagger’s office, it’s brewed into a storm.

I barge right in. “Yesterday, you told me not to let her out of my sight, and now you’re dragging me away from her. What the fuck, Law?”

“Sit down.” He nods at the chair across from him. I sink into it, seething. “First off, wind your neck in. I’ve had enough shit from you lot since I took this role. Just because we served together doesn’t mean you get to mouth off whenever you feel like it.”

I snap my mouth shut.


“I’m sorry.” I don’t sound remotely sorry. “Stone said you need to speak to me. What’s this about?”

“Where’s Cedara?” He leans back in his seat, but his bearing remains tense. Something’s up.