Page 15 of Grave New World

“Hey, Jane,” Christopher called good-naturedly. “Did you know pelicans can weigh thirty pounds?”

She raised her hand, waving goodbye. “I didn’t, but I do now. Bye, Christopher.” Once, she’d found those random tidbits so charming. Now? She had a wee bit too much on her mind to care.

Outside, she once again hunted for any sign of Cartier. Was the poor darling running loose, or had Lucy gone back and rescued her from the Treasure Room?

Hmm. Yeah. Jane would bet the loan officer had discovered a way to regain custody of her baby. “Take me to Conrad,” she told Beau. “I think I’m about to break this case wide open.”

* * *

It took every ounce of Jane’s willpower not to waltz into the lobby of the Aurelian Hills police station singing, “I solved a murder! I solved a murder! And no one can pin it on me!”

Instead, she approached the reception desk in silence, gliding across the durable, tile floor that had covered the concrete subfloor since the early 1950s. The new receptionist was currently handling a phone call, so Jane gazed around.

Conrad hadn’t changed the waiting area after taking over as sheriff. Same nondescript pale-colored walls blanketed with safety tips and a wooden bulletin board that showcased community events. Though, granted, several large potted plants had been added.

Was Conrad a plant person? She hadn’t noticed any greenery in his condo in Atlanta and none had moved in with him when he’d taken up residence here in Aurelian Hills.

The man deserved a plant!

Her phone dinged as she slid it from her purse to add “visit Gold Harvest nursery” to her list of to-dos, and she glanced at the screen. A new text from Ashley Katz.

NewsKatz: Come by my office. I’m ready to prove my innocence and tell you what I discovered re: Hannah. Mostly, I’m eager to hear what YOU have to say to ME!

Oooh! What had the reporter learned of the recently murdered tea specialist? Er, teaist? Even though Jane felt pretty confident she had a handle on the case, she must learn what the other woman knew.

Jane: I’ll be in touch.

A cool, calm response. Excellent.

The receptionist shifted in her chair, and Jane glanced up from the screen. The younger gal mouthed, “Hold, please,” while pointing to the phone pressed to her ear; she flashed a sympathetic look.

Jane used the time to fire off a text to the Team Truth chat rather than collect her thoughts.

Any Lucy sightings, Holden? Beau, I need you to teach the class Maggie Johnson 101. I’ll be your first and only student.

Beau’s phone dinged. He checked the screen and blinked at Jane. “You couldn’t tell me in person since I’m standing right next to you?”

“I could have, yes, but I preferred to have the request in writing in case you take too long, and I need to shame you to the group.”

“I missed a deadline only once.”

“Exactly.” She’d never forgotten the time she’d requested photos, and he’d promised to send them the next day but hadn’t. “I’m one hundred percent justified.”

He pinched the skin between his brows. “Just so you’ll know, I’d planned on providing you with a full dossier.”

“I’m rooting for you to actually come through this time. I really am.” Oh! Responses.

The Holden Rule: I’m being outwitted at every turn and I hate it as much as I love it.

Tiffinator: Now that we’re on the subject of love, I’ve made the most adorable card!!!!!! And Jane, the most brilliant idea popped into my head. I’ll make the invitations for your wedding. All I’ll need is glitter, duct tape and some foam letter stickers. Think of the money you’re going to save.

That would so not be happening. Though glitter could be nice. And foam letters.

“How may I help you?” the receptionist finally asked them.

Jane tucked her phone away. “I’m Jane Ladling, Sheriff Ryan’s fiancé.”

The other woman’s face brightened. “Oh, yes, of course, Miss Ladling. Go on back.”