“I knew he would. I was with a difficult case all afternoon. I spent more time than I normally would with her, so I haven’t looked at my phone. I’m sure he sent a message with the news. I’ll call him and tell him congratulations.”

She didn’t say anything for a minute, but she did tap her fingers on the top of the hat she had propped in her lap. “It’s a big deal for him. He’s been working really hard to get to this point.”

I narrowed my eyes a little and felt a scowl settle on my features. “I know. I’ve been there every step of the way right next to him.”

She blew out a breath and it made some of the dark red hair that curled across her forehead dance. My boy obviously had a thing for gingers.

“Then why weren’t you there today for him?” It was a simple question, but the answer was complicated. To start, he hadn’t asked me to be there, probably because he knew how hard it would be for me, but seeing the censure on his best friend’s face made it clear that I had been selfish and handled things with him all wrong once again.

“I should’ve been. I fucked up. I keep fucking up with him.”

“He’s in love with you, ya know? He’s never really cared about much beyond his shield except for me and his family, but today…” She shook her head and bit down on her lower lip. “It mattered that you weren’t there. He should’ve been thrilled. He wasn’t.”

I swore again and leaned back in my chair until it squeaked in protest. I ran both of my hands over my face and sighed. “I just had a twelve-year-old show how shitty I’ve been living my life the last few years. I should have been there for Dom but if I had been, I would’ve missed the moment that made me realize I need to get my head out of my ass. I’ll fix this, Royal. I promise.”

She nodded again and a lopsided smile crossed her face. She was a stunner, but she also had a really kind heart. I could feel it envelop me as she told me, “You can start by following me down to the Bar for an impromptu surprise celebration party. He was obviously bummed you weren’t there and took off for home as soon as he was released from the test. I sent his little sister to drag him out so we can give him a proper congratulations. Some of his buddies from the force will be there and so will his family. I also rallied my people, so the Archers will be there as well. He deserves more than a phone call, Lando.”

Guilt and shame slithered down the back of my neck. I put my hand to the shivering skin to try and stem the sensation. “He deserves everything. I’ll be there. I just need to finish up a few files before I head out for the day. It seems like it’s the day for inspiring women to hand me my ass.”

She tossed her head back and laughed. “Glad to be of service. Ari won’t get out of class for another hour, so you have some time. Bring him some flowers or balloons or something. That would be adorable.” Her dark eyes twinkled.

“I’d bring him a six-pack of beer before flowers, but since this shindig is at a bar, I don’t think that will fly.”

She gave a wistful sigh as she climbed to her feet and situated her hat back on her head. “You love him, too. I’m so relieved. I was stressing out over all the ways to ruin your life if you didn’t. I was going to ask Asa for help and that would have been bad news for all of us. My man has trouble down to an art form. I’ll see you later.”

She swept out of the room and I was left feeling properly chastised and impressed by her visit. It was easy to see why Dom was so fond of her.

I dug my cell out of the desk drawer I left it in when I was with clients and fired it up. I had a missed call from my brother and a text from my mom but nothing from Dom. It made my heart squeeze and that shiver of shame turn into a full-on quake of disgrace. I was turning this all around right now. I was living life and not letting fear keep me stuck in place and away from all the great things that I could be moving towards.

I hit Dom’s number and groaned when it went to voice mail. After his deep voice finished with the greeting, I left a short and sweet message. “I hear we have reason to celebrate. I’m so proud of you, Dom. I can’t wait to tell you in person.”

I hung up and finished with the files I needed to keep updated for billing and insurance and then headed out to Rome’s bar. It didn’t even occur to me that I should be nervous that Royal had said Dom’s family was going to be there and I would be meeting them for the first time. I started to sweat a little even though it was chilly out and bounced my keys up and down in my hand as I pulled the door open.

The bar was already pretty full. Familiar faces mixed with ones I had never seen but they all looked excited to be there and happy to be gathered together. There was plenty of police presence and I caught sight of an older woman with dark hair who had to be Dom’s mom. When a younger woman with similar coloring and the same olive-green eyes as my guy appeared at her side, I knew I was looking at Dom’s family. I was going to put my big-boy britches on and go introduce myself when I got sidetracked by a shoulder bump.

I looked over at Rule and involuntarily sucked in a breath like I always had to do with him.

“So your guy is going back to work. You work all that out up here?” He tapped a tattooed finger to the side of his head.

“Yeah, I mean not all the way, but I’m not going to walk away because of his job. I realized today how stupid that would be.” I sighed. “I stayed with Rem when he didn’t want to come clean about what was going on between us, when that was a much better reason to leave.”

Rule nodded and clapped a hand on my shoulder. “Rome and I were both so pissed when Shaw finally told us about Rem. We felt betrayed, lied to, and since he was gone, the only person who we could take it out on was her. She didn’t deserve it and then I was pissed at him for being gone, so I couldn’t be mad at the right person. Anger takes up a lot of space and if you let it, it’ll push out all the other good things that are waiting to be felt.”

He pointed across the big room to where his pretty blond wife was talking to another blond woman. It took me a second to realize that I knew her, well, had met her. It was the lawyer with man problems from the gym, and if I had to guess, I would bet the source of those problems was the hunky guy with the beard who towered above the rest of the crowd and couldn’t take his eyes off her. I turned back to Rule who was still talking.