Dom pulled away just enough that he could brace a hand on the bed right next to my hip as he used the other one to line himself up with my waiting body. He wasn’t a small guy and I knew it was going to be a tight fit, but the burn and the ache as he slowly slid inside did nothing to lessen the grip that pleasure had on all of my senses. His dark head was bent low as he watched not only himself going in and out of me, but also me as I continued to rub my fist up and down my dick which was now thumping against his lower stomach each time he sank inside of me as far as he could go.

He groaned my name as my body instinctively tightened around him as he started to move faster and faster. He was big and strong so he had to place a hand on my hip to keep me anchored to the side of the bed so that his powerful thrusts didn’t shift me away from the position he wanted me in.

I was pinned, immobilized and very full of Dom. I don’t think there was any better place I could ever ask to be.

I felt my breath quicken and desire start to curl up all the way from my toes. My hand moved faster on my dick and my balls drew up even tighter against my body. Dom’s eyes glowed with a minty green I hadn’t seen yet and his teeth sank into the curve of his lower lip.

“You’re close.” The roughness of his voice, as it struggled to make its way out was its own kind of sexy caresses.

“I am.” I was panting and my hips were shifting involuntarily as he continued to pound into me like he wanted to put me through the other side of the bed. I loved the feel of him, the stretch and pull that I had to do in order to take all of him. It was sex that would leave its mark, would leave a memory in more ways than one.

“Good because I’m not going to last much longer.” He dropped his head and growled low in his throat as he shifted the hand he had on my hip so that he could palm my tense balls while I continued to pump up and down on my cock. It was primal. It was raw. It was so real that it was all I needed to let go. There was no resisting the dual stimulation and the hard dick rapidly moving in and out of my body.

Pleasure rushed forth, spurted out and covered both our hands. Dom growled again, thrust his hips a couple more times, and then said my name like it was a wish come true. He groaned from deep in his chest as I watched all his muscles quake and shiver with satisfaction.

He sighed heavily, pulled out of me, and after dropping a quick kiss on the center of my chest right next to where my heart was trying to catch up with us, he flopped down next to me on the bed on his back so that we were both supine with our legs dangling over to the floor. We were both covered in sex and sweat. It should have been awkward or maybe a little uncomfortable but again it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

“I have tickets to the Avalanche game this weekend. Do you want to go with me?” I blurted it out with zero finesse or tact. I didn’t even know if he was a sports fan.

Dom blinked those army-green-colored eyes and that mouth I wanted all over me again quirked up in a half grin. “The best sex ever and tickets to an Aves game? You can’t be for real.”

I cleared my throat. “I am very real.”

He tilted his chin up and winked at me. “Sure. I’d love to go with you, but I’d also like to put the rest of the time we have before you have to go back to work to good use.”

It was my turn to grin at him. “I aim to please.”

He sat up and reached over for my hand. “Good. Let’s take a shower and switch places.”

I could do that. I could also very easily let this man end up meaning everything to me, and the last time I had done that I had lost everything. I wanted Dom. I wanted what he had to offer, but I also wanted to keep my heart safe.

Chapter 9


I was struggling to keep things light and not too intense with Lando because I could tell every time that going back to work was mentioned, a change occurred in his demeanor. I was working with a new therapist, a young woman who cut me no slack and was just as tough on me about overdoing things as Lando had been. But even though I was with her 90 percent of the time during therapy, he still checked on me throughout the session and he had spent the last two nights in my apartment and in my bed. As long as the future wasn’t brought up and I avoided any mention of what was next, things were great, but as soon as any hint of what was to come entered the equation, Lando got quite pensive and withdrawn. I knew he thought my job was dangerous and risky, that I was putting myself on the line with little reward for my effort, but it was what I did. It was who I was, and as much as I liked the guy, really liked him and could see something real and lasting happening between us, I wasn’t going to give up everything in order to be with him. I couldn’t. If I wasn’t a cop, I didn’t know who I was and that shook me in ways I couldn’t get my head around.

When the night of the game rolled around, I was really pumped. Not just because Lando had seats right on center ice behind the glass but because when I went to the gun range to see how training my non-dominant side to lead was coming along, I hit every target dead center and had no trouble loading and unloading the clip with my left hand. The recoil and jerk didn’t even bother my shoulder, which was a first. Taking it easy on my body and making it stronger the right way was paying off and I could hardly contain my excitement.

I texted Royal first and got back a smiley face because she was still in a lot of pain from her ribs and just as annoyed as I had been about being laid up and unable to return to work until medically cleared. I texted Lando, too, and didn’t get a response for well over an hour. I told myself that was because he was with a client and didn’t have his phone on him, but deep down I knew that wasn’t the case. He wasn’t excited for me or happy about the news because it meant I was one step closer to getting my spot back on the force.

Eventually, I got back a smiley face from him as well with a message stating that he was excited to see me later that night. It burned a little. I wanted to be involved with him, wanted to let myself get attached, but something in the back of my mind warned it wasn’t a good idea, that as soon as I was back on the streets, Lando would be nothing more than a fond memory. It was hard as hell to heal my body after it had been so badly broken, so I didn’t want to think about how impossible it would be to heal my heart if it ended up shattering too. I decided my best bet was to keep things fun and sexy and just see where they took me. It was easier said than done when every single part of me leapt and pulsated with excitement and anticipation when he texted a few hours later to tell me he was waiting outside.