Royal looked ravaged and battered. Like a fragile, broken toy all wrapped up in bandages and covered in black and blue marks. Her face was a startling grayish tone, which only enhanced the twin black circles around her eyes and the nasty gash that had little white strips of tape holding it shut over one of her eyebrows. The arm that was injured was swathed up like a mummy where it was poking out of her hospital gown and I could see the purple mark on her collarbone that the impact and jolt against the seat belt had left.

“If it isn’t my two favorite guys.” Her words were barely a whisper and I could see how much pain she was in just trying to get them out.

Asa bent down and clasped her good hand in his as he pressed his lips to the top of her head. I saw him close his eyes and whisper something to her that I couldn’t hear. Whatever it was had tears shining in Royal’s eyes and her squeezing his fingers.

“I guess I finally have to get a new car.” I knew she said it as a joke, but I couldn’t even smile at her. I felt like I was frozen on the spot, helpless and ineffective while she lay there hurt and damaged. I had a startling realization that this was probably exactly how she felt after my accident.

“Jesus, Royal. You scared the shit out of me. I almost fell down the stairs when Asa called and told me what happened.”

She blinked her watery eyes at me as I took the steps needed to reach the other side of her hospital bed. The corner of her mouth quirked up. “I know the feeling, hero.”

I blew out a pent-up breath. “I know you do. How about we make a pact to stay out of the emergency room from here on out?”

I held out my hand with just my pinky finger sticking out. She let go of Asa’s hand long enough to hook her own pinkie around mine as I gently moved them up and down.

“We can sure try.” Her tone indicated that considering we both had a dangerous jobs the likelihood of that happening was slim. My gut kicked as I realized she was probably right … well, would be if I could get myself back on the force.

“I had Dom call your mom so she should be here shortly.” She looked up at Asa and some silent couple communication happened that I was completely left out of. I wasn’t used to Royal having secrets from me and I didn’t like it.

I glowered at them both and crossed my arms over my chest. “Someone want to let me in on why it’s such a big deal to have your boyfriend and mother in the same room, especially considering the circumstances?”

Royal went to shrug and then shouted out in pain. Asa put a hand on her shoulder and cut me a dark look. “Roslyn and I don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things where her relationship with Royal is concerned. I prefer not to be in the same room with her, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is getting Royal comfortable until I can take her home.” His amber eyes glinted with a danger I knew he had in him but I had never seen. “I can play nice when I have to, cop.”

Royal was looking at me with eyes that pleaded for me to just let it drop and because I loved her and she was hurt I decided to do just that.

I sighed and told her, “I met Saint. She seems very nice. I’m so happy you have a friend like that looking out for you.”

She gave me a loose grin and lifted up the back of Asa’s hand so that she could rub it against her bruised cheek. “You would like all the people I’ve let into my life, Dom. You just need to give them a chance.”

I looked between the two of them and nodded solemnly. “Point taken.”

I hung around until the doctor came in and offered her a mild painkiller for her injuries. They wanted her to stay for observation for the rest of the day, and it was clear Asa had things under control and that he was who she was going to turn to for comfort and help, as it should be. I offered to stay to be the buffer when Royal’s mom showed, but Asa told me he could handle it and I was inclined to believe him. There didn’t seem to be much this southern charmer couldn’t handle. I didn’t want to be impressed by a guy with a criminal record as long as my arm but I was, and there was no denying the proof that was right in front of me that he would do anything and everything for my best friend. He might have her heart, but it was obvious it was a fair trade because Royal held his just as tightly.

It wasn’t until I was in my truck and headed back towards my apartment building that I remembered I had somewhere else I was supposed to be that day. I tried to call Lando’s cell phone and it went right to voicemail. I thought about going by the clinic but didn’t want to interrupt him if he was with another client, so I called his cell back and left a rambling message about why I had missed my appointment. I didn’t want him to get any ideas that it had anything to do with what had gone down between us during my last session.

When I pulled into my spot in front of my building, the sleek sports car that was parked in the spot next to it immediately caught my eye. So did the tall man holding a cup of Starbucks in his hand as he got out and made his way up to the sidewalk where I stopped to look at him.

“What are you doing here, Orlando?” I sounded as surprised as I felt.

He stopped before stepping off the curb, so for once I had a height advantage on him. “I was worried when you missed your appointment. Your new trainer called a couple of times and it went to voicemail.”

I frowned and pulled out my phone. “I just called you and it went right to voicemail. Royal was in a car accident and she’s in the hospital. I turned my phone off when I was in her room.”

His expression pulled into one of instant concern. “Is she alright?”

“She’s been better. Do you make house calls when all your clients are no-shows?” I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to prod him, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself. I never could with him.

He muttered something under his breath and I saw his long fingers tense around the white cup in his hand. “I was worried. About you. About us … I don’t know. I’ve never stepped over the line with a client or a man like that before. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.”

His anxiousness was cute. He was cute, and I was really glad he was here. I never really had anyone else to lean on when shit went south. I was usually the pillar that held everyone else up.

“You and I are fine, Lando. In fact, you and I might be the only thing I can honestly say is A-OK at this point.” I reached out a hand and put it on the side of his neck. A thrill shot through me as his pulse immediately leapt up to kiss my fingertips.