It made him a little more rugged, a shade rougher, a hint more jagged than he already was and fuck if it wasn’t sexy as all hell. I tightened my grip even harder around him and started to pump my fist in earnest as he pulled back from the ravenous kiss and watched me with widened eyes. I normally had a pretty delicate touch, but something about him brought out the more daring side of my nature. It was an unbelievable turn-on to watch my much paler fist work his hardened and straining flesh. We both seemed mesmerized by the motion and he made a strangled sound low in his throat as he started to reach for the very tented front of my shorts.

I shook my head at him and lowered my head a little so I could kiss him again. This time there was a little bite behind it. “Not yet. Just watch.”

He was panting now in short and choppy breaths as we both zeroed in on my hand moving on him, up and down, as his hips occasionally bucked up to meet the downward slide of my fist. He was damp and shiny from both the oil that was already on my hands and his own excitement. I couldn’t recall ever seeing anything sexier. I wanted him in my mouth and inside my body. I wasn’t so sure about his welcome inside my heart yet, considering we didn’t know each other that well, but I could feel him knocking on the door.

He muttered a few dirty words and wrapped his hand around my wrist and squeezed as I buried my nose in the curve of his neck. I could feel his pulse jumping and skittering erratically against the tip of my tongue as I licked the long vein that throbbed just under his skin.

“If you don’t want this to be a solo show you better let up and let me get my hands on the goods, Mr. Fancy-Pants.”

The nickname was ridiculous considering the compromising situation we were currently in with one another so I sank my teeth into the side of his neck in a little nip and shook his hold off so I could finish the job I started. His already tight abs turned rock hard and those thick thigh muscles started to shake a little. I used the pad of my thumb to rub circles under the edge of the very sensitive head of his cock and we both gasped a little when his body bowed up and stream upon stream of hot pleasure rushed out and coated both of us. It was brilliant and bright and even without letting him lay a hand on me I was more turned on then I could ever remember being. Dom took me out of my comfort zone, and I knew all about the benefits of stretching before getting down to any actual work.

I lifted my head up from where I was still nuzzling his neck and let go of his now softening member. I wanted to touch the evidence of how well I had handled him where it was dotting his delineated abs but before I could get a word out or make another move towards him he was using the edge of the sheet to clean himself off as he swung his legs to the side and got to his feet.

He loomed in front of me like a darkly satisfied warrior and started to advance on me. He was naked and loose from the orgasm, but the look in his eyes was focused and determined as he prowled towards me as I involuntarily took a step back. I took another and another until my back hit the door and Dom was right in front of me and in my face. His breath was hot as he leaned up until he could growl directly into my ear, “You always seem to be handling me, Orlando. In one way or another, you are the one calling the shots. I’ve got some shots of my own I want to take.”

I wasn’t going to argue, but I wouldn’t have gotten the chance even if I was. His mouth was back on mine and he was pulling my T-shirt up and over my head within the span of a second. His lips were hard and left little doubt that he was serious about getting more than his hands all over me for a change of pace. I sighed lightly into his mouth as our tongues twisted together and his hands started to roam over my now bare chest. As big and as forceful as he often came across, his touch was surprisingly light and way more reverent and delicate than mine had been with him. It took me a second to realize he was taking the time to brush his fingers over each and every single freckle that dotted my skin. There were a lot of them so by the time he got to the ones below my bellybutton I was kiss drunk and sex stupid.

I wanted to grab his head and force him to his knees in front of me. I could tell he knew it, too. He was grinning at me, which was extra sexy with his mouth red and shiny from being all over mine.

He slipped a finger into the elastic band at the top of my shorts and tugged just enough to let the tip of my dick peek out. He lifted an eyebrow at the ruddy tip and his grin turned downright wicked.

“I want to see how far down your freckles go.” His voice rumbled out of his chest and the deep rasp of it made my skin pebble in anticipation.

I wheezed a little when he finally lowered himself to the floor in front of me, taking my shorts down with him.

“I pretty much have them everywhere.” When I was younger, I hated them because I felt like they were just one more thing that set me apart from the rest of the guys my age. Now I had grown into them and I kind of liked them. Dom was apparently a fan.

He chuckled and moved across my cock, which was practically leaping out to make his acquaintance. “I can see that. I like them. I want to connect them all with my tongue.”

“Jesus.” He laughed again as I let my head fall back against the door with a loud thunk at the first swipe of his tongue across the already leaking tip of my cock. “I don’t know if I could survive that.”

I looked down at him right as he leaned forward to wrap a hand around the base of my erection and at the same time surrounded the rest of the waiting length with the heat of his mouth. It was my turn to swear as my vision went cloudy around the edges and my knees went a little weak. I’d had plenty of guys go down on me back in my fuck-to-forget days, but nothing felt like Dom’s mouth on me. It obliterated thought. It killed common sense. It annihilated any hesitation I had about throwing myself in with this man. His mouth on me, his hand twisting in time with the motion of his bobbing head felt like it had to happen. It felt better than any blow job had a right to feel. It felt more intense and involved than the last time I had actual sex with someone. It felt fated and destined. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his as he looked up at me with a perceptive glint in his eye.

I told myself to breathe because things were getting fuzzy and I felt lightheaded. I curled one hand around the back of his dark head and let his short hair tickle the tips of my fingers as I urged him to go farther and farther down. I wanted him to take as much of me as he could and he obliged without so much as blinking an eye. I put my other hand over my heart and tried to hold it in as it threatened to beat its way out of my chest. The intensity of it all was going to take me to the ground.