Page 100 of Show Me Something

“It’s beautiful.” My throat was closing with emotion as I dared to feel hope for the future. Someone didn’t get a person a charm bracelet without an unspoken promise to fill it up with more charms. Right?

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I, um, have something for you, too, but now it seems silly.” Because his gift was thought out and had obviously cost more than five dollars bought from a drugstore this morning.

“I’m sure I’ll love it.”

I shook my head as I put a hand in my sweatshirt pocket. I was having serious second thoughts about how he would take this gift. “I, uh, I only had a pharmacy and convenience store for options to get you something after learning you were coming, so I apologize. And I probably should’ve gone with the chocolate-covered cherries instead. Although I don’t even know if you like those things. But I definitely don’t. I mean I like cherries, and I love chocolate, but put them together with that weird liquid center, and eww.”

He chuckled, holding out his hand, palm up. “You’re adorable when you get nervous. Now hand it over.”

Ha. Guess it was good he thought so. I gave him the small box I’d hastily wrapped. Watching as he opened it, I bit my lip.

He held up the key chain which said, “I like my girls Southern, Sassy and Sweet.”

“It probably should say crazy at the end, and it’s stupid but—”

He cut me off, flashing me a grin. “I adore it.”

After dinner was over, the last of the gifts had been opened, and Tristan was ready for bed, I walked Mark out to his rental car. The day had been more than comfortable. My mom and stepfather had engaged Mark in conversation, and Tristan, loving the Lego set Mark had bought him, had then wanted to show him all of his toys.

I fought disappointment when, instead of pulling me close for a kiss that showed how much he’d missed me, he only pecked me on the cheek and told me he’d pick me up tomorrow night.

Although slow wasn’t a favorite speed of mine, I couldn’t help being excited about the prospect of a real date.

* * *

Our first officialdate the next evening included dinner at a local steakhouse at a quaint table for two and a subject I wasn’t expecting. “Brian mentioned he was asking you to do a toast at the wedding reception.”

I almost choked on my mashed potatoes. “What’s that, now? What toast?”

A grimace came over Mark’s expression. “Shit. I thought by now he would’ve asked.”

“He said that when he got back from vacation next week he had a favor to ask for the wedding. I thought perhaps he wanted me to help with setting up something, not actually speaking in public. Good grief, what is he thinking?”

Mark chuckled. “He’s thinking how better to entertain a crowd? He also mentioned that it was you who told him Sasha was the one for him since the day she started working there. That you used to do recon on her for him in the beginning. That should make for a good story.”

“True, but you know how I get when I’m anxious. Stuff starts blurting out in an inappropriate fountain of too-much-information. Guess I’ll have to be sure to remain sober and write it down so I don’t go off the rails.” I was truly honored to give a toast. But given my propensity for embarrassing moments, I didn’t want to saddle the bride and groom with the kind of speech that had people talking for weeks.

“There is no doubt in my mind that everyone will love you.”

Did that include him? I knew it was only a figure of speech, but the ultimate question didn’t ever leave my mind. Would he ever be able to say the words? And since we were on the subject of the wedding in a few weeks, how would he act around me there, surrounded by all of our friends? Would it be awkward as it had been for Catherine’s party? Or would he be okay with showing people we were a couple? Hell, half of them already knew. So many questions, yet going slow meant learning not to push things.

After dinner, he walked me to the front door of my mom’s house.

I leaned in toward him, wishing he’d invited me back to his place instead of dropping me off.

“So, how do you feel about me coming back down for New Year’s?” He took my hands in his.

“Yeah. Only if you want to.” Cluck. That sounded a lot like insecurity.

He leaned back and cupped my chin. “I definitely want.”

God, so did I. I met his lips, hungry for the taste of him. But he pulled back the moment my arms snaked around his waist to draw him closer.

“I don’t want to push this. This is too important to rush things.”

I didn’t want to sound desperate, but I’d missed him and the physical contact. “Yeah. I look forward to New Year’s.”