Chapter Sixteen
It felt strange to be back in Charlotte in my office at work on a Monday. But as soon as Brian came in and gave me an exuberant hug, I knew I was where I needed to be.
“I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re back. Sasha is traveling until Wednesday, but we thought we’d take you out for a celebratory dinner on Friday if you’re free?”
“Yeah, dinner sounds great.”
“What’s happening with your house?”
“It went on the market and it sounds like a family is putting in an offer this week. Also I found a two-bedroom that I can rent. Moving in mid-January.” Although my mom and stepfather were more than generous in letting us stay with them, I was anxious to have my own space again.
“Great. We’ll help you move.”
He was always so generous that way. “Thanks, but I’m sure that with your wedding coming up you have a ton to do.”
He shrugged. Then he shut the door and took the lone chair across from my small desk. “I’ll still make the time. How are you doing?”
The old Juliette would’ve smiled big and convinced him everything was great. But I didn’t have the energy to fake it. “Okay. It’s gonna take some time to adjust to all of the changes in my personal life, but it helps to be here in the office. Keeping busy with work. Also, um, I wanted to talk to you about taking classes after the first of the year. Probably twice a week. I know the company has a tuition reimbursement program, so I was hoping maybe—”
“Done. Approved.”
“I don’t want it as a favor for a friend. I want to make certain I qualify as an employee.”
He frowned. “Why wouldn’t you? You’ve been here over ten years. There’s a clause which says you have to stay for a certain amount of time, but I don’t think that would be a problem.”
“I just didn’t know if it would make sense for the company to invest in the education of an office manager.” Clearly I wasn’t over all of my insecurities.
“Juliette, you’re the most important person here. You make this place run. Ask anyone how much you were missed these last couple of months. Hell, if it’s about your title, then I’ll make you the Vice President of Office Operations.”
I laughed for the first time in days. “I’m okay with Office Manager, but thanks for the reassurance. I needed it.”
He cocked his head to one side. “Everyone does from time to time. In fact, I need you to tell me how amazing I am as a boss because the temp they had in here did not appreciate my sense of humor. I mean, how does anyone resist my charm?”
I’d heard stories about how the older woman hadn’t cracked a smile with anyone. I appreciated that Brian was shifting my insecurity to humor. “I have no idea. Because everyone else I meet falls in love with you instantly.”
He smirked. “I know, right? Now, then, on another subject, I need your help desperately. I have no idea what to get Sasha as a wedding gift.”
I was grateful for the distraction, which took my mind off how much I missed Mark. Throwing off my sadness, I started brainstorming gift ideas with him.
* * *
No matterhow busy I kept myself over the next few days, I couldn’t help checking my phone ten times every hour. Hoping for a text. A call. Something. But I hadn’t heard from Mark since I’d sent him the message that I’d arrived safely at home. He’d responded that he was glad I’d let him know. But there’d been no more contact after that.
My heartache was especially rough when I lay in bed at night. It was as if all the thoughts about him I’d put off during the day would come to a head. A flood of memories would overwhelm me. And guilt. Because maybe if I’d been honest with him about my insecurities and doubts, it wouldn’t have blown up the way it had.
“Who are you hoping to hear from?”
I snapped out of my thoughts to see Sasha framing the open doorway of my office. “Um, what do you mean?”
She walked in, shutting the door and taking the chair in front of my desk. Then she nodded toward my phone. “Since you returned, you look at that thing incessantly. And before you give me a line about checking on Tristan, I wouldn’t believe you.”
I wanted so badly to have someone to confide in. She must’ve recognized my internal war.
“If you aren’t comfortable talking to me, then speak with Brian. I won’t take offense. I hope you realize we’re both worried about you.”
I shook my head, thinking he would be even worse to talk to since Brian was Mark’s best friend. “The problem is Brian can’t know. And if I tell you, then you’re in an awkward position.”
She grinned. “Been there, done that when his sister had a huge crush on Colby. I kept that confidence. And look how it turned out. Bottom line is that although I would never lie to Brian, I certainly don’t need to be the one to tell him information he wouldn’t ask about.”