Page 70 of Show Me Something

“What settlement?”

“That was my question for you. I didn’t ask her since I couldn’t be sure whether or not she was fishing. So you didn’t offer her money? Because if you did, I would highly recommend you have an attorney to draw something up ensuring she signed away all rights that might allow her to go after more.”

“I didn’t give her anything. And you didn’t tell Brian about this, right?”

“Of course not. I take attorney-client privilege very seriously.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just trying to figure out—” Because I hadn’t told Brian anything yet, either. Even if I had, I couldn’t imagine him doing something like this without asking me if it was all right. And then, boom, it hit me.


No, he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t go behind my back. Not after I’d told him how it made me feel inadequate if I didn’t participate in the decisions. At the very least, he’d discuss it with me first and value my opinion and input. And yet, who else would it be?

As if by design, the knock came at the door. I told Harvey I’d call him back and walked over to open it. Upon seeing Mark’s handsome face, I felt betrayal wash over me.

“You weren’t really in New York, were you?”