Page 65 of Show Me Something

Chapter Thirteen

Iwoke the next morning in my hotel room bed to find Mark wrapped around me. Judging by the hard length poking the small of my back, he was wide awake.

“I like mornings with you,” I murmured, stretching my limbs. I hadn’t had such a good night’s sleep in months. Must have been the heady combination of multiple orgasms and the human heater behind me.

“Good, because I intend to do it more often.”

I entwined my fingers with his and relished the feel of his hard body behind me. “No arguments from me.”

“I don’t suppose you’ve gotten more consistent about taking the Pill?”

He shifted, notching his cock between the cheeks of my ass. It would be so easy for him to slip into my heat at this angle, which would also allow him to move his hands to my breasts.

“I was, but then I up and forgot them in the craziness of traveling down here. Sorry. What I should do is get the shot, then we won’t need to rely on me remembering to take the Pill.”

“Nothing to apologize for. Luckily, I have another condom.” He kissed the top of my head regretfully before getting out of the bed and searching his wallet.

Turning, I saw him hold up a foil square. Rather than the packet, I focused on his gorgeous body. Strong shoulders topped a firm chest with a smattering of dark hair that went down, down. Good Lord, his happy trail was turning me on now that I had a clear vision of its endpoint.

“Last one, so we better make it good.”

I wanted to ask if his warning meant he was leaving today, or if it only meant he’d have to go to the store later. But I kept quiet as I didn’t want to ruin this rare morning to ourselves by trying to define our relationship, especially when so many things were up in the air.

He hopped back into the bed. Once he’d assumed the same position as before, he pulled my hair to the side and kissed where my neck met my shoulder. “Miss me?”

I giggled, absolutely enjoying this playful side of him. “I counted the seconds until —ahhhh.” I lost my thought and words as he pushed inside of me, splaying one hand across my stomach and pulling me onto him, going deeper.

“I’m a fan of this position.”

“Me, too.”

The sex was unhurried, languid, and felt decadent in the morning light. Once his fingers trailed down to find my clit, I was completely done for, coming in spectacular fashion.

Just as I was about to doze off in post-coital bliss, the hotel phone rang.

Picking up, I heard a woman who sounded like she was from the front desk. “Ms. Walker, there is a woman from Child Protective Services here with a police officer. We can’t give out your room number without your permission so—”


“Do you want me to send them up?”

“No, no. I’ll come down.”

“Okay. I will let them know.”

I hung up and immediately dialed my mom, trying to explain to Mark in the interim what was happening. “Child Services is here with a police officer. Why would they be here?”

My mother picked up on the first ring.

“Mom, is everything okay this morning with Tristan?” I’d gone by their room last night to kiss him goodnight and he’d been very content to spend the night with his grandparents.

“Yeah, honey. He woke up about ten minutes ago. I was about to text you. We planned to take him downstairs to breakfast.”

I let out a breath. “Unfortunately, there is someone from CPS downstairs to speak with me. With a police officer. I, um, I don’t know what to do. Part of me wants you to take him and run.”

Mark shook his head. “As hard as this is, they may need to see him to check on his welfare. Rob’s parents are probably behind this.”

I couldn’t believe it. I’d realized his parents were upset, but this was a whole new level of evil. Turning my attention back to my mom on the phone, I spoke. “Keep him in the room. I’ll update you soon.”