We chatted a little while longer while Haylee went to the ladies’ room. I ensured I stuck to safe, normal topics. And when he invited me for coffee on Thursday night, I accepted. After all, if I was reinventing myself, it meant putting myself out there to meet new people and—gulp—date again.
But after he left and Haylee found me, I realized I hadn’t mentioned Tristan in my conversation. Neither had I thought about who would be watching him while I went out another night. What the hell had I been thinking?
“What’s wrong?” Haylee inquired as we went out to the car ten minutes later.
“I think I just accepted a date with Chad on Thursday evening—although I’m not positive coffee is a real date. But I didn’t give a thought as to what I would do with Tristan. To make matters worse, I didn’t even tell Chad I had a son. Or that I’m only legally separated and not fully divorced.”
She frowned while getting into the car. “Well, first off, I’ll watch Tristan that night. And secondly, you act as though you owe him that information. You don’t. Simply go and meet him and if you two hit it off, then maybe share your son with him. If not, then why bother? You seem to think you need to put a disclaimer out there about your personal life, but you absolutely don’t. It’s only coffee, but if you’re not comfortable, then text him and tell him you’ve changed your mind.”
She had a point. I didn’t owe anyone my entire backstory. Nope, that certainly didn’t fit in with the Juliette 2.0 plan. In an attempt to put on a brave face, I said, “Okay. You’re right, and it’s only coffee. I know he’s not in your class, but do you know him? I think he seemed nice. And he’s really cute.”
“I don’t know him very well, unfortunately. He’s a third year, and has always been polite. Take your own car, meet him at the café, and if it goes great, maybe get dinner. If it doesn’t, then simply drive home.”
It sounded easy enough. It wasn’t as though I was looking for anything serious, especially if I was only up here short-term.
* * *
I’d just putthe finishing touches on the tiramisu when Mark knocked the next evening. Making homemade ravioli had been a challenge. But I’d been excited to take it on, and I was especially glad I’d made the effort when he closed his eyes in pure bliss after taking his first bite.
“This is amazing. Seriously, the best meal I think I’ve ever tasted. Thank you.”
“It was fun to make. Come to think of it, I might get one of those pasta makers when I get back home. Then I can do homemade fettuccine and spaghetti.”
“Any thoughts about when that’ll happen?”
“My attorney thinks I should remain here until the trial, but I can’t imagine staying until March. As it is, I need to call Tristan’s day care and un-enroll him. I can’t keep paying for that service twice.”
“I love your cooking and enjoy your company, so selfishly speaking, I’ll be sorry to see you guys go. Haylee will, too.”
“Yeah, I’ll miss everyone as well.”
“What DVD is on tap for tonight?”
I smiled, loving that he wanted to stay to hang out with us. “It’s the movie Frozen. And you may end up regretting your decision after the songs get stuck in your head.”
“I’ll take my chances, but only if I get to pick tomorrow night and bring by some of my favorite Chinese food. You should tell me what dishes you like.”
“Oh, uh, tomorrow night I actually have plans. Then Friday my mom is coming into town, and Saturday I’m going to Catherine’s party in New York City. But maybe the following week? After Monday, when my mom flies back home.”
His face turned red. “I’m sorry. It was rude of me to be assume you’d be free. I should’ve asked.”
I shook my head. “No, it’s fine. Normally I would be.”
“Do you have another evening planned with Haylee? By the way, you never said how the mixer was last night.”
“Mixer was good.” All of a sudden, I felt embarrassed about revealing my Thursday plans. It was silly as Mark had made it clear he only wanted to be friends. And because I had no reason to hide it, I blurted it out. “And that’s actually why I have plans tomorrow. One of Haylee’s classmates asked me out for coffee. He’s from the South, too, and, well, anyhow...”
The flash of disappointment in Mark’s eyes hit me before his words did. “You know, just because someone offers, you don’t have to go, not until you’re ready.”
This was a man who hadn’t dated since losing his fiancé over a decade ago, so I could only imagine what he thought about me going out while I was still legally married. He had said he wasn’t judging, but it sure seemed like he was. “I know, but I am in fact ready to get out there and meet people. I realize I’m not officially divorced yet, but in truth, the relationship was over years ago, and I—” Shit, I was getting defensive, trying to justify myself.
He stood up, gathering his plate and shaking his head. “I’m not judging. Not at all. Hell, maybe I’m projecting some of the pressure I’ve felt over the years about getting back out there onto you, and that’s not fair. Who’s staying with Tristan? Do you need someone to babysit?”
Right. Have the hot neighbor for whom I’ve worn down my vibrator’s batteries fantasizing about go and watch my son while I’m out on a coffee date with another man. “Haylee is, but I appreciate the offer.”
He shoved his hands in his pockets and gave me a small smile. “Sure, anytime. Who is this guy? Does Haylee know him?”
Awkward. The very last thing I wanted to do was talk about Chad with the man I’d rather go out with. “She knows of him through his friend who’s in her class. But he’s a year ahead. It’s only coffee, and I’m planning to meet him there.”
“And if it goes well, you’ll probably do dinner after?”
I shrugged. “I’m not sure how these things work anymore, to be honest, but I guess so.”
“Um, how about I start on these dishes while you get Tristan bathed and in his PJs? Then we can have the movie and dessert.”
“Sounds good.” It could only be me, but it felt like something was suddenly off between us.