“Don’t you know better than to keep secrets from me, Brian Carpenter?” I teased.
It only took a moment before he figured out our game and turned toward Sasha. “You told her, didn’t you?”
She shrugged. “For a good reason.”
He quirked a brow. “Such as what?”
“Operation Seduction,” I supplied.
He put his head in his hands, forearms on his desk. “Jesus. I had to ask.” He took an exaggerated breath. “All right. What, um, what do you need me to do?”
Now if this wasn’t the definition of true friendship, I don’t what was. “It’s simple. When he comes in here, tell him I heard he was here and that I’m in my office. And do not spoil my counter-surprise.”
He looked up with a grin. “As if I would go against the two of you.”
Sasha went over to plant a kiss on his lips. “Good answer.” Turning toward me, she smirked. “You ready for your drive by?”
I nodded, feeling the nerves jump up. “Yep.”
She smiled. “I’ll go with you.”
I moved by the conference room windows with Sasha by my side, using Baywatch slow-mo speed, minus the cleavage and the swimsuit. I had to force myself not to look into the windows. Instead, I laughed at something random she was saying. Loud, but not too loud, just enough to hopefully make him aware I was here.
After doing a second pass, donut in hand, I went to my office. Sasha smiled and took a seat in my guest chair. But I was no longer smiling, suddenly second-guessing the whole thing.
“Watch. His back will have been turned away from the glass, and he didn’t even notice me either time. Love has officially made me stupid and regressed my maturity level.”
“It’s not stupid. It’s human. You simply want what every woman does, which is to make her man take notice of her. Plus, on the scale of crazy, this is pretty tame. However, if you started chucking donuts at the glass while Whitesnake blasts in the background—I’ve gotta say, that would be epic craziness.”
I scoffed. “Please, we both know I’d be blaring Metallica.” What could I say? I was a sucker for eighties rock bands.
We both laughed until I posed the question. “Was this a stupid idea? Maybe instead of pushing, I should let him set the pace of things. Wait for him.”
“You’re aware patience isn’t my strong suit, either, right? And why shouldn’t you both get a say? You want sex and intimacy with your man, so go get it. Just wait until after his meeting.”
“Okay, but if you hear the sound of fresh donuts hitting glass in an hour, you’ll know he still hasn’t noticed me, and I’ve gone to new levels of desperation in my plan.”
* * *
Thankfully,I didn’t have to go anywhere or resort to desperate measures. Mark came directly to my office fifteen minutes after I’d walked by. And damn, did he look good in his suit and tie.
I hoped my voice sounded more nonchalant than I was actually feeling. “What brings you to the Charlotte office?”
He shut the door before answering. “I realize how this must look, but I was planning to surprise you. Your mom is babysitting tonight so I could take you to dinner. And Brian said you were out of the office today, so I was doing these meetings and then—”
I smiled, cutting him off. “I know.”
After standing up from my desk, I walked around to close the blinds. When his brow lifted, I had to steady my heartbeat as I considered my next move.
“What are you doing?”
“Ensuring privacy.”
“For what, exactly?”
“This.” I put my hands on his chest and then trailed them down his dress shirt, feeling his muscles jump at my touch.
“You knew I was going to be here today?”