Page 88 of Show Me Something

He was in a client meeting and couldn’t be disturbed. “I’ll take it, Sheila.”

“Mr. Singer, this is Juliette.” Although I might be friends with his wife, old habits were hard to break. Josh Singer was the owner of the company. “Brian is in the Shadow Sports Arena contract negotiation at the moment. I expect him out of the conference room in about twenty minutes or so.”

“Hi, Juliette. Um, okay. Can you have him call me the moment he steps out? I tried his cell phone, but most likely it’s off. It’s quite urgent.”

I couldn’t help myself; I had to ask. “Is everything okay with Haylee and Abby?”

His voice softened. “Yes, yes. They’re fine.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. I’ll have him call you when he returns.”


Hanging up the phone, I sat there for a minute, unable to quell my curious nature nor the uneasy sensation that Josh’s call could have something to do with Mark. It was a silly idea, however. The likelihood was his call was business related and had nothing to do with anything personal.

* * *

The minute Brianwalked out of his meeting in the large conference room, I intercepted him. After years of working together, he knew the look I was giving him and followed me into his office.

“What’s wrong?”

“Josh called saying it was urgent you get in touch with him.”

“Everything okay with Haylee and the baby?”

“I asked, and he said yes. I’m hoping it’s only a professional crisis.”

He nodded and picked up the phone to dial. I hesitated but then asked. “Will you let me know, so I don’t worry after your call what it is?”


I paced the small space which made up my office, watching the light on my phone that indicated Brian’s phone line and waiting for it to go off. The moment it did, I had to keep myself from charging into his office.

Luckily, I didn’t have long to wait for Brian. He soon came out of his door, shrugging into his coat and clearly on his way out. “I have to head up to Connecticut. I’ll call Sasha from the car. Josh has a private plane waiting.”

“For what?”

“Uh, Mark needs some help with something. Do you mind rescheduling my three o’clock?”

“What does he need help with?”

His eyes met mine. The indecision reflected in them told me he wasn’t comfortable in giving me all the information.

“Please tell me.”

He finally sighed, giving me a bit. “My guess is that the holidays coming up are taking a toll on him.”

“Josh didn’t say why?”

Brian must’ve sensed something from my worried questions. “Is there something I’m missing here? Why are you so curious about Mark?”

I swallowed hard. “Just tell me if this is something about his fiancée and happens every year.”

“It hasn’t happened in eleven years, since losing her, but Josh said Mark checked out four days ago.”

That was the day I’d told him I wasn’t pregnant. I knew in my gut the timing wasn’t a coincidence. But what did I do? I’d spent years trying to help someone I loved work through his issues and had failed miserably, losing myself along the way. What if I went up there and Mark shut me down?

But Mark wasn’t Rob. And I wasn’t the same person, either. “I want to come with you.”

He lifted a brow. “Because?”

“Because he and I became close while I was living in New Haven. I don’t know if I can help, but I want to try.”

“How close, exactly?”

“The kind that is none of your business.” I was a grown woman and not about to spill my personal life to him. “I care about him a lot, okay?”

He relented. “All right. What will you do about Tristan?”

“I’ll call my mom. And then cancel your three o’clock.”