Page 137 of Ask Me Something

Why was he speaking so cryptically? Then I finally saw it. “Oh shit. Brian took the meeting with Dobson this morning instead of doing the NASCAR pitch?”

Josh nodded.

I stood up and paced. “I’m going to kill him. He could’ve waited, or I would’ve dealt with being off the account. Why did he need to be there? Wait, you didn’t demand his resignation, did you?”

He looked insulted. “Of course not.”

“I know you made a promise, but you’re going to have to spell it out for me Josh.”

He hesitated, and then decided to spill it. “Brian was upset that Vanessa took you off the account on Friday. I told him to wait until Monday for me to address it with Michael and not to say anything to anyone until then. But he called her Saturday demanding that you be reinstated. He told her he was going to take it up to the chairman and unfortunately Vanessa escalated things.”

“Escalated how?” Something told me things got ugly fast.

“Brian will have to explain those details. Unfortunately this morning was the only time we could meet with Michael and with what transpired, Brian’s presence became required, which is why you had to do the pitch down in Raleigh.”

“But why the resignation if everything was taken care of?”

Josh sighed. “Because he feels like his personal decision to contact Vanessa Saturday night instead of following my direction is what made it go to hell in a hand basket. I don’t disagree, however I never would’ve fired him for it.”

There was only one reason he would’ve called her Saturday night. Because he’d wanted to fix things for me after I’d left that hotel room. “Shit.”

“I told him I wouldn’t accept it, but I’m not quite sure how I go about enforcing that.”

I swallowed hard at the fact that he would go against his best friend and boss in an attempt to fix things for me. “Where’s he now?”

“Stuck on a tarmac, waiting to fly back down to Charlotte. I guess there’s a delay with my private plane.” His smirk made it obvious what the real interruption was.

I didn’t even think. I dialed his number on speaker.

“Brian Carpenter,” he answered.

I froze the moment I heard his voice. Sasha-B-Fierce had dialed that phone without hesitation and was ready to give him hell. But if I wasn’t really her, what would I have to say to him?

“Hello?” his voice came again.

Swallowing hard, I stopped over-thinking and went with my gut. “It’s me. What the hell’s going on?”

“Sasha, I heard you did an amazing job with the NASCAR pitch. I’m hoping you had a chance to speak with Josh to find out you’re back on the Tryon account.” His voice sounded flat.

“I did. Matter of fact, he’s here with me. And your presence is required.”

He sighed. “That’s not happening.”

The panic from his response started to fuel my temper. “We can either do it the easy or the hard way, Brian Carpenter. Either you get your ass in here right now, or I hand in my resignation this very minute.” I met Josh’s shocked expression.

“You don’t mean that.”

“The hell I don’t. If you think you’re the only one who would sacrifice your job for someone you love, think again.”

He inhaled audibly. “What did you say?”

“If you want me to repeat it, then I suggest you figure out a way to get here quickly.” I hung up before he had the chance to respond.

I turned toward Josh. “I guess now might be a good time to tell you I probably need a new supervisor. Hopefully, you’re not too shocked to learn that I happen to be in love with the one I have now.”

He chuckled, amusement showing in his expression. “Sasha, in the interest of full disclosure, you should know that eight years ago Brian told me that someday he hoped to have a conversation by which he informed me that his relationship with you had changed. He’s been my best friend since we were five years old. Whether he wanted to hide it or not, I’ve always known that you’ve been the one for him from the moment he met you. Regardless of that, though, your career here has always been separate from his feelings for you. I value your talent and I hope you know me well enough to know you’ve always earned your position.”

I bit my lip at the fact that I’d needed that confirmation. “I appreciate you telling me that.”