Page 126 of Ask Me Something

He sighed. “Because after working the last couple of weeks nonstop, the last thing I want to do is talk about work or even think about it. Between the big NASCAR pitch I’m doing on Monday and helping Juliette, I’m burned out. Haven’t you ever needed to turn it off for a while?”

I’d needed to turn off my personal life plenty, but never work. However, in looking at his weary face, I could see the burden in his eyes. The NASCAR account was huge. Coupled with the stress of helping Juliette, that most likely put him at his max. Nancy had my personal phone number, and she’d call me if there were any emergencies.

Reaching out, I touched his cheek. “Of course, we can do that.”

He instantly looked relieved and kissed my wrist. “Thank you.”

We washed quickly. While he dressed, I touched up my makeup and slipped on a dress.

“You’re flying to Raleigh on Sunday?” NASCAR headquarters were located there.

“Yeah, pitch on Monday morning first thing. Then I’m flying back up to New York for a meeting with Josh.” The last part was said with a sigh.

I turned, knowing something was definitely off by the resigned tone he’d used about meeting with Josh. “Do you want to talk about it? You sound down and…” I was about to say it was freaking me out, but wasn’t the guy allowed to have a rough day? He’d been dealing with a full plate lately. “I’m here to listen if you want to talk about it.” I wanted to be there for him for a change.

His eyes softened, and he turned me back around so that he stood behind me, both of us facing the mirror. “It’ll all be better hopefully after Monday. And everything that I need is here.” His hands splayed on my waist, and he leaned down, inhaling the scent of my hair. “Come on, let’s go before I have other ideas.”

I met his eyes in the mirror. “What if I’m into the other ideas?”

For the first time since I’d seen him in the airport, a genuine smile reached his eyes. “We’d have to make it quick because I have every intention of taking you out for a romantic dinner.”

I pushed back, feeling him hard already. “Then you’d better get started.”

Turned out we were late for our reservation. But we’d needed the extra time to ground us back into the here and now and let the week fade into the background. Now, if only it would stay there.

* * *

We hadan amazing date last night. True to his word, Brian put our work phones away, even going so far as to lock them up in the hotel safe. We hadn’t looked at them since. I didn’t regret a little downtime from the job, especially since his mood lifted almost immediately. But without the distraction of the job, my mind was fully focused on the upcoming party instead.

“Are you positive you want me to go to this thing with your whole family?” We were in the shower getting ready the morning of when I voiced my worry. I didn’t need a crystal ball to tell me that his mother was going to be none too happy to see me there today.

“Have you changed your mind?”

His voice sounded disappointed, and I instantly felt bad, especially after he’d come to my parents’ anniversary party. “No, I want to go, but you know how I get with meeting new people. I’m just nervous.”

He took my hands in his. “Don’t be. We’ll be there for Kenzie, and everyone will be on their best behavior.”

Oh, sure, don’t be. Such a guy’s response. “What will we tell everyone, though?” This was the question that I kept asking myself. Unlike the situation at my family’s event, there was plenty of crossover between our personal and professional lives at the celebration today. As Brian predicted, Josh was up in New York with Haylee, not wanting to travel this close to the baby’s due date. But Josh’s mother would be there for certain.

He grinned. “Hmm, let’s go through the scenarios, shall we?” He pooled shower gel in his hands and began to wash me intimately.

“God—not the advertising strategy again,” I groaned. But with one touch, I was ready to show up naked if it meant he wouldn’t stop. My resolve needed a stern talking-to if ever I could locate it again.

“Option one is that we tell them that we’ve been having incredible sex the last few months, and we thought we’d announce to everyone that we’re friends with benefits.”

I managed a swat as he pinned my hips against the wall and started massaging my breasts.

“Option two is that we tell them we’re only friends while you remember how I’m caressing you and pretend not to want to touch me during the party. I should warn you, though, that I’ll have an old high school flame there, so you may see someone flirting with me the entire time.” He moved me away from the wall and ran his hands over my backside, squeezing before running a hand between my legs again.

My breath hissed.

He leaned back, smiling, allowing me to rinse and catch my breath.

I didn’t like either scenario. “Are those my only two options?”

The amusement that sparked in his eyes told me that he’d been hoping for my question. “There’s one more choice.” He turned off the water, moved me against the wall, and knelt down, eye level with my quickly-becoming-wet sex. He glanced up with a wicked grin. “Option three is we tell them that you’re my girlfriend.” His mouth descended on me quickly, zeroing in on my clit. Then he stopped suddenly. “Which option do you choose, Sasha?” For good measure, he reached out with his tongue and stroked the length of my slit.

“Why do I feel like you’re stacking the deck toward option three?” I croaked out.