Shifting my hips, I felt him harden even further inside of me. “Oh, God,” I gasped.
We moved rhythmically as one with his hands lifting my hips up to the perfect angle, hitting my most sensitive spot. My eyes rolled back in my head in ecstasy even while trying to maintain contact with his. His breathing became erratic and his strokes faster. My climax came swift and hard, taking him over the edge with me.
* * *
Lyingin his arms and listening to the rain come down, I knew something had shifted, but I didn’t want to analyze it. The look in his eyes while he’d tenderly made love to me convinced me that I wasn’t alone in experiencing mixed emotions. I knew this went against what he was comfortable with, what we had agreed on, and what we had ever done, yet I wouldn’t have taken it back.
“The meeting with Vanessa didn’t go very well, did it?” he whispered in the dark.
I sighed. “It could’ve gone better, but she signed anyways. I had to tell her that it was your idea.” It was tempting to tell him about her personal comment, but I was a big girl and didn’t need to lay one more thing on him.
He stroked my hip. “I’m sorry it had to be that way. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You had enough on your plate today, and it wasn’t anything new with her. Besides, it wasn’t the worst thing that happened today.”
“What was?”
I hesitated. “If I tell you, you need to promise not to try to fix it, not to offer advice, or analyze my feelings. I can admit to needing you tonight, but I don’t want this to turn into you trying to solve my problems.”
“Okay, but now you have me concerned.”
I shook my head. “Nothing to worry about. I, uh, received a call today via Nancy that my birth mom died yesterday. I don’t have the details, only the number of an attorney who’s been calling the last couple of weeks, probably trying to get money for rehab or maybe to get me to come see her. I don’t know if it would have made a difference. It was a shock, but I’m okay.” I swallowed down the guilt.
Brian held me tighter. “I want to believe you.”
I bit my lip. Sasha-B-Fierce was supposed to be able to handle anything. “Then do.”
The next morning, I had an early flight to catch in order to get back to the New York office to meet with another client about their newest campaign vision this afternoon. Packing my bag kept me too busy to analyze what had happened with us the night before. I’d needed Brian to be tender and sweet. He’d faked it well enough, but it had only been pretend and didn’t change anything. With a little separation, I knew we’d be back to our previous arrangement and rid of any weirdness.
He carried my suitcase out to my rental car. “It’s strange not having you spend the weekend and not dropping you off at the airport.”
“It is.” Even if I’d wanted to stay, Brian was off to California for his sister’s graduation this weekend.
“I’m flying to Virginia next Friday morning. You’re still coming in for McKenzie’s celebration, right?”
I wavered, not realizing her party was already the weekend after next. Where was the month of May going?
“Unless you’ve changed your mind?” His voice had an edge.
He had misinterpreted my hesitancy. “No, I haven’t. I was only thinking in my head that I couldn’t believe it was already the end of May.”
He reached out, cupping my face. “I’ll only say this once to keep my promise, but if you need anything…”
I held a finger up to his lips, knowing he was referring to the death of my birth mother. “I’ll tell you.”
“Good. I’ll email you the hotel information for next weekend. And don’t be anxious about my mom and sister-in-law. I’ll make sure they’re on good behavior. Of course, I can’t say the same for me.”
He tilted his head down for a kiss, and I tried not to think about the irony of him telling me not to be anxious.