I burst out laughing. Sometimes it was nice to take Mr. Control completely off guard.
We walked into the country club five minutes later, and it dawned on me that we hadn’t covered what our status was. “Uh, what will we tell people?” A lot of guests were already here.
He turned me toward him and smiled. “Relax, we’ll tell them that we are friends who met at work and let them assume whatever the hell they want to. All right?”
I let out the breath I’d been holding and met his smile. He made it sound so simple. “Okay. Ready?”
Upon entering the private room reserved for the party in the elegant country club, we immediately ran into my parents’ neighbors. I introduced Brian, and by the time we made it to my mom and dad, three couples later, I realized he was completely at home, charming everyone.
My parents were gracious, but I could tell my mother was surprised. My father had gotten straight to the point by asking Brian which football team he favored. With the answer of the Carolina Panthers, he had definitely passed the test.
But most astonished of all was my sister, who looked from me to Brian and back again before forming words. “Uh, who is this?” He held out his hand. “Brian Carpenter. You must be Sasha’s sister, Addison.”
She took his hand warily and then looked at me. “You didn’t RSVP to bring a date.”
I was glad we were out of earshot of my parents. “You’re right, I didn’t. But considering I cut a check for half the cost, I think I can bring a plus one without a problem.”
“That’s what you’re good at, cutting the check while I do all of the actual planning.”
I regretted that Brian had to witness the petty sniping with my sister and was shocked when he interrupted smoothly.
“It’s a lovely party, Addison. Sasha mentioned you’ve worked extremely hard to put this all together. Your parents must be pleased to have this many people who love them in one place.”
She studied him for a moment, gaging his words, and must have believed his sincerity. “Thank you, and I didn’t mean to complain. It’s not that big of a deal to have one more. Um, I’d love for you to meet my husband. He’s over here at the table.”
I found it both amusing and exasperating that Brian could charm my sister so easily when I could barely get along with her. Maybe the problem was more me than I’d like to admit. After walking over, I hugged my brother-in law, Ryan and made the introductions.
“I’ll get you a drink, Sasha. Addison, Ryan, would you like anything?” Brian offered.
They both declined, and I tracked him across the room toward the bar while bracing myself for my sister’s questions.
“Are you guys together?” she zeroed in.
“We’re friends.” I enjoyed the annoyance on her pretty face probably more than I should have.
“Uh huh. How do you know him?”
“We used to work together in Charlotte.”
“And he’s here in Beaufort for you and for the party, but you’re only friends?”
“Addison, give her a break, babe,” Ryan, interjected.
I cast him a look to convey my appreciation. Brian returned with the drinks just in time.
I was sorely in need of one. “Are you hungry?”
He offered me a lazy smile that let me know he was thinking of something entirely different than what I’d meant. “I’m all right. We can visit and then eat in a bit if you’d like.” He was sitting close to me but not so close as to imply that we were a couple.
“I was asking Sasha how you two knew each other,” Addison started while Ryan rolled his eyes at his wife’s tenacity.
Brian didn’t even sweat it. “We worked together in the Charlotte office for a number of years.” He took a pull on his beer and glanced at the label.
“You like the hops? It’s a local brewery,” Ryan provided. And with that, the men bonded instantly over IPAs, entering into an entirely different conversation until Addison could wheedle her way back in.
“So, Brian, what, uh, brings you to town?” she finally got in.
He handled her like a seasoned pro. “You’re looking at her.” He put his hand on my back and rubbed gently.