“You had a point on Friday. I didn’t like it, but per usual your lectures aren’t off-base.”
His face looked stunned.
“Close your mouth, Brian, and stop looking so astonished. Although I don’t say it often enough, you’re a good boss, and you’re great at what you do.”
His expression was priceless with my compliment, which instantly made me feel like the biggest bitch in the world.
“I know I’m not the easiest person to deal with …” I took a deep breath.
He cupped my chin and kissed me deeply. “Sasha, you do your work, and you do it well—”
I shook him off. “Stop trying to make me feel better and let me finish.” It was just like him to try to soothe me and only made me feel worse about the number of times I’d never bothered to give him positive feedback.
His mouth twitched in amusement. “Okay, please continue.”
“What I wanted to say is that I’m sorry for Friday. My pride got in the way, and although I could say it won’t happen again, I think we both know the best I can do is to say that I’ll try.”
He threw his head back and laughed. “Apology accepted, and don’t worry. You’re not as difficult to manage as you think you are.”
The unsettling thought hit me later that he might not mean that entirely in a professional capacity.