“I need to ask you something,” Brian whispered.
“Okay, go ahead.” I braced myself, as he seemed serious.
“Could you promise me that you won’t go back there? Hell Catherine shouldn’t need to go there either.”
“I can’t promise that. I think it could be a good thing for her confidence. Not everyone has been Brianed and can say they’ve experienced great sex.”
“Did you turn my name into a verb?” His face looked a mix between amused and horrified.
I grinned. “Every woman needs to have sexual confidence in the bedroom.”
“Agreed, and I’m not judging Catherine for that. I just don’t like the thought of you two ladies in that place without some sort of protection. Like I said earlier, I completely respect that you didn’t want her to go by herself. You’re a loyal friend. I guess if you need to go back with her, I could go with you. It’ll be safer and everyone will know you have a boyfriend. We could even go back into a room, if you wanted.”
The thought of going back to the club with him made my skin tingle. Then I realized what he’d said. I propped up on my elbow and looked at him. “Wait, did you call yourself my boyfriend?”
I expected him to retract or get embarrassed like he hadn’t meant to, but instead he loomed over me, pushing me back into the bed. He pinned my hands down in a show of dominance that made me instantly hot for him.
He grinned. “Damn right I did. I sang you “Ring of Fire” by Johnny Cash.” His fingers stroked, finding me wet for him. “And you said you were mine. Did you not mean that last night?”
His voice was that husky, gravel tone that did things to a girl. I arched my hips, not believing that he could make me ache for his touch so quickly.
He removed his fingers and hovered at my entrance, taking my lips in a deep kiss. “Are you my girlfriend, muffin?” He pressed ahead one delicious inch.
I smiled, wanting more. “Only if you promise never to call me that again.”
* * *
With the artof sexual distraction, Brian made it very easy to get outside of my head when it came to the possibility of overthinking the boyfriend thing or the fact that I’d once again confirmed that I was his. Our sex-charged morning turned into eating Chinese food in bed and then enjoying an intimate bath together.
“Where’s your stuff?” I asked, realizing that, aside from the bag he took from the room last night full of our new toys, he was sans extra clothing. And he hadn’t in fact answered the question about why he was in town.
“Josh’s guest apartment. I’ll spend the night over there this evening, give you some space before tomorrow’s meeting.” His dirty clothes were in his hand. “You doing a load of laundry?”
I nodded, watching him, while only wearing a towel, shove his clothes into my washing machine located in the closet next to the bedroom. He then climbed back in my bed and flicked on the television.
“You never told me why you stayed in town over the weekend.” I threw in a few of my things to make a load out of it and started the machine. Something about washing our clothing together and having him casually turn on the TV started to freak me out.
“If you stop overthinking the laundry and come over here, I’ll tell you.”
I was annoyed at the fact that he could pick up on my facial expressions. “I’m not overanalyzing the damn laundry,” I mumbled, crossing over to the bed, only to be snagged by the wrist and pulled down into him. “Like we haven’t had enough time in this bed today?” My breath caught at feeling him hard already pressed against me.
He nuzzled my neck, choosing to ignore my protest completely. “I warned you it would never be enough.” He kissed down my throat and over my collarbone, and pulled back, grinning, when I sighed in pleasure. “I stayed because I was pissed off Friday and didn’t want to leave it that way for Monday. I kind of hoped you’d call me Saturday, and we could get together. Then I got your text, and the rest is history.”
“I spent Saturday studying up on Vanessa and trying to find ways to start over. Then I called Catherine, and we met out so I could get some advice.”
He looked surprised. “Huh.”
I narrowed my eyes. “What do you mean by huh?”
He shrugged and brushed his fingers down my back, settling on my backside. “Are you sore from last night?”
Talk about a change of subject. My face heated, and I tried to pull away, only to have him keep me caged. “I’m fi—good. And stop trying to change the subject.”
He chuckled. “Nice save with the word. The huh was me being impressed that you’re trying with Vanessa.”
“You mean shocked, don’t you?”
He shook his head. “No. Impressed that you haven’t let your pride get in the way of what needs to be done. I know that isn’t easy for you, but I do appreciate the effort.”