Page 106 of Ask Me Something

His hands shifted to my breasts while he moved with shallow thrusts. “Do you like it with me here in your ass?”

His dirty talk would be the death of me. “Yes,” I whispered, shamelessly moving back into him on a deeper thrust.

He muttered a string of curse words, driving me to do it again. His fingers strummed my clit and suddenly I was out of my mind with lust. I about blacked out from the building pressure and, in spectacular fashion, my core muscles tightened and I exploded. I don’t know how long my orgasm lasted, but I vaguely registered his groan and then the wetness on the small of my back.

I collapsed down onto my stomach, feeling him next to me.

Removing the vibrator, he wiped my back with a towel, and got off the table. He released my ankles from the ties first. Then reaching over, he expeditiously turned me over gently, removing the little clamps from my nipples and throwing them into a bag along with what I guessed were the other items used. He crossed the room, opening a door in the back. A few minutes later, his footsteps came in my direction again. My heavy eyes watched him pull on his clothes.

“There’s a bathroom in the back where you can wash up or take a shower. I called up front. Catherine is finished and waiting for you in the bar.”

I pushed up and noticed he was barely making eye contact. I couldn’t read his mood. “Okay.”

“Text me when you get home. I want to know you arrived safe.” He managed one last glance and then disappeared out the door through which we’d entered.

* * *

After takinga few minutes to pull myself together, I cleaned up and dressed quickly before making my way to the bar to fetch Catherine. We didn’t speak until we were in the car, both of us seemed to be whirling with what had transpired over the last hour.

Finally unable to stand it any longer, I stole a look at my friend. “So …” I prompted.

She turned crimson. “It was good, but I think I’m still processing. We talked the whole time.”

Shit, this was the part where I was a sucky friend because I didn’t know whether to leave her alone or push. I decided for a compromise. “Would you go back?”

“Maybe,” she sighed. “Probably. We, uh, mostly spoke about what the lessons could or would entail. Part of me feels like a complete loser that I would need to stoop to this.” Her eyes looked teary.

I squeezed her hand. “Catherine, you’re not a loser. Get that out of your head right now. What you are is a woman who is brave, smart, beautiful, and kind. Your husband turned out to be a real jerk, and this may be your opportunity to get back out there and put him out of your mind once and for all. What you need to think about is how you felt in there, not what someone else thinks about it. I’m one hundred percent supportive as long as you’re happy and comfortable. Okay?”

She smiled. “You’re a good friend, Sasha. Thank you. So, uh, how did things go with you?”

It was my turn to blush three shades. “He’s ticked off, and I learned they rent rooms to couples. Beyond that, I couldn’t tell you much more.”

“I’m sorry that I put you guys in that kind of position.” Her eyes widened, and then she shook her head. “No pun intended. Sorry.”

I couldn’t help it; I burst out in giggles, and suddenly she did the same. By the time we made it to my place, we were both wiping tears from our eyes.

“If you can’t laugh at moments like these with your girlfriends, then you truly haven’t known friendship,” Catherine finally said.

I couldn’t have put it any better. “I’m lucky to call you friend. And for the record, Brian was plenty pissed off before we even went this evening.” The car came to a stop in front of my place. I hugged her, and she pulled back, motioning out the car window with her hand.

“Oh, I’d argue that he can’t be that pissed off because isn’t that him?”

Looking at the entrance of my building, I saw that, sure enough, there he was in the lobby waiting on me.