Page 98 of Ask Me Something

I nipped it away from him, making him laugh. “As much as I love bacon, please don’t rub that over me.”

His lips twitched. “That does have possibilities, but I’d rather just serve it to you.” He spent the next hour feeding me breakfast morsels, alternating with eating his own meal off of me.

I never would have associated being fed with the word erotic, but I certainly did now.

Later, we lay in bed, slugging the afternoon away after an entire morning devoted to sex and food. “I have something I’d like to ask you for.” I held his hand and traced the lines.

He looked like he was bracing himself. “What’s that?”

“That in another few months, maybe I can have another evening like last night.”

His face was unreadable. “Why?”

“Because sometimes I’m so caught up in what you’re doing to me that I don’t get to pay attention to you. And now that I have those little groans and growls as a soundtrack in my head, I want more. And I feel like you haven’t trusted another woman like that before.”

His arms went around me. “In the spirit of being vulnerable, I will tell you that I haven’t done that before. And I do trust you, but it’s hard for me to give up complete control like that. However, for you and only every few months, I will do it if it makes you happy.”

I smiled enthusiastically and kissed him for agreeing. It wasn’t lost on me that we’d made the assumption that there would be another few months together.

When Brian’s phone rang, he got up and answered it in his ‘office voice’ and then took it out onto the balcony. I couldn’t make out the words, and when he came back in the room, it was hard to read his expression.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

He sighed. “Do you want the good or the bad news first?”

“Bad news,” I answered without hesitation.

He rolled his eyes and took a seat next to me on the bed. “Tough. You’re getting the good news first. It flows better that way.”

I would have preferred to hear the bad first and get it over with, but he was probably still figuring out how to spin it as was his nature.

“The good news is that was Vanessa from Tryon Pharmaceuticals. We got the account.”

“But—” I hedged, bracing myself for the negative. Was I off the account? Were they changing the team?

He leaned in to kiss me. “But we’ll have to fly out tonight and meet with them tomorrow. I tried to get it delayed until Monday, but she said the only day she and the chairman can do is tomorrow.”

Oh, our trip was being cut short by a few days. It was disappointing but not as terrible as I’d been expecting. “That’s unfortunate, but other than that, everything else is okay?”

He narrowed his eyes, and I could tell immediately that I’d said something wrong. “Sure, other than having this time together cut short, everything else is fine.”

He was definitely pissed if he used the word fine. “Brian, wait—”

But he was already changing quickly into his swim trunks. “I’m going to do some laps at the pool. If you don’t mind calling our travel agent to book flights home tonight, I’ll be back in an hour or so.”

Our perfect bubble had popped with one phone call. I was proud we’d won the business with Tryon Pharmaceuticals, but something told me tomorrow would be a reality check of epic proportions.