Page 111 of Ask Me Something

I swallowed hard. “Thank you, Nancy.” And because I didn’t want to appear a horrible human being when Michael Frank rang back, since I had no intention of returning his call, I decided to be blunt with my assistant. “She’s my birth mother. I’ve only seen her once in my life, and it didn’t go well. They’re looking for money again, I’m sure.”

She nodded. “Then I’ll be certain to screen all of your calls carefully and won’t pass on any more messages from Mr. Frank.”

“I appreciate that, Nancy.” After she left, I crumpled up the note and threw it away. Maybe I’d jinxed this invitation back into my life when I’d been thinking about her yesterday. Or perhaps the timing served as a reminder that the only reason my biological mother ever looked me up was when she needed money. I’d already made that mistake once. I wouldn’t repeat it. With Vanessa coming into my office any moment, I couldn’t afford the distraction.

* * *

I neededa moment before heading into the conference room to put the call out of my head and prep. Time to slip in my earbuds. Thankfully, meetings didn’t make me throw up, but I still needed the calm of a motivating song to get me into the right frame of mind. Today’s choice was Kelly Clarkson’s “Invincible”. I closed my eyes, let the song end, and breathed deeply. I could do this.

After walking into the conference room, I ensured everything was ready, including the projector and handouts. Logan and Charlie came in ready for the meeting.

Brian strolled in a couple minutes later, greeting both men. He then turned toward me. “Sasha, nice to see you. Do you have a minute before Vanessa arrives?”

“Uh, okay,” I murmured, wondering what he had on his mind.

We turned the corner toward my office, and I could feel his eyes on me.

“Everything okay?” Brian asked.

I bit my lip. Now wasn’t the time to tell him about the phone call. “I’ll, um, tell you later.”

He nodded, and we went inside my office, only to have Nancy buzz right away announcing Vanessa’s early arrival.

Turning toward Brian, I asked, “Do you mind bringing her back to the conference room? I know she feels most comfortable with you.”

He looked surprised. “No. I don’t mind. We can talk afterwards.”

Look at me, a poster child for a fucking work in progress, trying to defer to what the client would want instead of attempting to mark my territory. I was determined to make today successful and not above asking for help to ensure it happened. Whatever he’d wanted to talk about could wait.

I returned to the conference room in time to greet Vanessa warmly when Brian showed her in.

She was dressed in a red-colored top that stretched across her chest, putting impressive implants on display. I had to keep myself from looking further down to her skirt or shoes. The client could dress in hooker boots and a thong, and I needed to pretend like it was normal. Her smile didn’t touch her eyes, but I wouldn’t let it faze me.

“You remember Logan and Charlie from the initial presentation?” I said.

“Yes, nice to see you gentlemen. Sasha, whatever do you do with yourself, surrounded by such nice-looking men?”

It was tempting to say something outrageously snarky and inappropriate, but instead I merely smiled. “The world of advertising does have its perks.”

“I’m definitely in the wrong business, then.” She took a seat, and Nancy graciously offered her a beverage.

She glanced toward my assistant. “Tea with milk. Skim, if you have it, with two sugars—but only if it’s real sugar. I don’t want the fake stuff. If you don’t have skim, then don’t bother. You can get me water instead, but only if it’s purified.”

Nancy smiled tightly. I was relieved that I wasn’t the only one rubbed the wrong way by Vanessa. Evidently, she had a talent for pissing off any female within a ten-foot radius. “Now, then, I think you’ll be very pleased with our phase one approach,” I started out.

She raised her brow. “I think that remains to be seen.”

Taking a page from Catherine, I ignored the poisonous dart and flipped on the projector. Logan got the lights while giving me a she’s a piece of work look.

Thirty minutes later, Vanessa had oohed and aahed over everything Brian, Logan, and Charlie had presented but gave me the third degree over my ideas regarding radio advertising. It was ironic as almost all of the ideas introduced had been mine; only those presented by me had set her off.

“I’m not convinced that radio would be the wisest use of our money,” she contemplated, tapping her pencil and then sipping her tea.

I bit my cheek, praying for patience. “Certainly, it’s your decision, and you can think it over. But our research shows that a Sunday countdown show would do great with your targeted demographic. The cost is exceptionally low compared to the television spots.”

Brian backed me all the way. “I think it’s worth a couple of them, Vanessa, but like Sasha said, it’s your call.”

“Who am I to argue with your logic, Brian?” Vanessa stood up, looking at her watch. “I’ve got a flight to catch. But thanks again for the drink last night and safe travels this week. I’ve never been to Dubai. Hopefully, you’ll get some time to explore.”