After my quickie with Shane, I went over the bar inventory with Max, trying to focus even though I was distracted by the events of the morning.
I’d wanted to argue with Shane when he’d said that was my world and this was his. Tell him we could possibly find some sort of middle ground. But then I realized I’d be going against everything I’d agreed to. At least he’d acknowledged this was more intense than either of us could’ve guessed it would be. And he’d confided in me about where his trust issues came from. But all the information did was confirm the fact he’d never had or ever wanted a relationship. I knew from experience that monogamy could never compete with what he had here at the club.
All of this told me I was better off recognizing this was ending on Wednesday. But if I was to make that happen, I needed to understand what Max was telling me.
“So the liquor arrives from the distributor in boxes?”
He nodded. “Yes. Normally in four, six, or ten packs.”
“And how can I tell what arrives in what?”
He frowned. “It should tell you on each packing slip.”
I held one out for him.
He looked perplexed after scanning it. “Weird. There’s a total, and the box number, but not how many units per package.”
“Exactly. That’s my problem. From the prices, I can determine they weren’t singles, but unless I know the count, I can’t figure out if they’re correct.”
“We should be able to get you the boxes. I don’t get why the number of units aren’t printed on there. I seem to remember seeing they were in the past. But maybe since Heather knows the counts, she hasn’t questioned it.”
Or maybe she was stealing. I didn’t want to believe it simply because Max and Shane would be devastated, but things weren’t adding up. Literally.
“When does the next inventory come in?”
“Later this afternoon in prep for the party. I’m sure Heather could—”
I was already shaking my head. “That’s not gonna work.” Heather was not about to do me any favors, and I was now very suspicious of her.
He chuckled. “Yeah, she’s pretty pissy since finding out about you and Shane.”
“Why, though? In a couple days it’ll be over, and I’ll be gone.”
He quirked his head to the side. “Is that what you want?”
He appeared sincere in his question, and for a moment I thought about being truthful. But this was Shane’s best friend. I chose to stay neutral and not reveal too much. “It’s what we agreed to.”
“Agreements can be amended.”
One of the guys stepped in, calling for Max.
“It’s okay. I know you’re busy. But later this afternoon after the order comes in, can you show me what a typical one looks like? It’ll only take a few minutes.”
“Uh, sure. But I’ll have to figure out something to tell Heather. Inventory is kind of her baby, and she gets territorial over it.”
I bet.
I walked into room forty-two right on time and found Shane waiting in a high wingback chair. Unlike the last time I’d been in one of these rooms, I wasn’t nervous. Instead, I was full of delicious anticipation for what he had in store.
Smiling, I walked towards him, my gaze on his.
“Stop there and strip.”