I had to laugh. “She doesn’t care for me, and I have no clue why, so, yeah.”
He quirked a brow. “You don’t know why?”
“And you do?”
He chuckled. “Let’s just say Heather has long had a thing for Shane even though she’s tried to hide that it's anything more than physical. And him standing her up the other night in order to be with you didn’t win you any favors.”
Ah. “Wait, but she was with you. Isn’t that, uh, offensive?”
Now he was really grinning. “I don’t take offense at much.”
He must not.
“And good luck with Heather.”
I decided not to put off inquiring about the receipts any longer. I went downstairs to find the longtime bar manager. She was doing inventory in the back with two other guys who were helping her move some things.
“Hey, Heather,” I said from the doorway.
She turned at the sound of my voice and then went back to her task without so much as a smile or a welcome.
“Shane said you would have the detailed bar records from the last few years.”
That got her attention and earned me a glare. “What of it?”
“As you’re probably aware, I’m doing an audit of the last five years. In order to do that, I need to go through the ledger and all the receipts.”
“I keep meticulous records.”
“Great. If you could give me the last five years, I’ll be able to complete the audit on the bar.”
Her eyes raked over me from head to toe, a less-than-nice smirk on her face. “You do realize you’re only a fad to him, right?”
I checked my temper and tried not to look around at the two guys who were obviously watching our exchange. “I’m only here speaking with you about the receipts, not asking for unsolicited advice.”
“It wasn’t advice, honey. It’s a warning. Shane doesn’t get attached. You’re just a new piece of ass for a short time before he goes back to what he knows.”
Implying her. “Then think of it as incentive to get me the receipts quickly. Because the quicker I have them, the faster I finish and the faster I’m gone.”
With those parting words, I turned on my heel.