The man had fucked me into a coma. That’s why, when the light came on and Shane’s voice woke me, I could hardly manage an acknowledgement.
“Come on, sleepyhead. I need to get back.”
I ran my hands over my face and winced at the soreness all over my body. “Do I have time for a shower?” I definitely needed one, not only to clean up, but also to get my wits about me.
“Just enough if you get up now.”
I opened my eyes slowly and realized he was already dressed, looking ready to go. I slid naked from the bed, not missing the appreciation in his expression when I did so.
“You want to join me?”
“Can’t. I, uh, have a call. Be quick, and I’ll get the car brought around.”
Well, if that wasn’t a dismissal, I didn’t know what was. Sighing, I realized something had changed since last night. He’d retreated. Maybe it was the line he had suggested we cross last night by using no protection. Or maybe he wasn’t comfortable waking up with a woman. For whatever reason, he was definitely acting strange.
When I got into the car fifteen minutes later, he occupied himself with anything but conversing with me.
“Everything okay?” I refused to sit there getting the silent treatment.
“Yeah, fine. But tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, the busiest night of the year.”
“Oh. I didn’t realize. Anything I can help with?”
“Nope. Matter of fact, if you want to take off today, I’m sure things can wait.”
In other words, he didn’t want me around. “I’d prefer to get some things done today so I can possibly finish up by tomorrow.”
“Suit yourself.”
Evidently, I would.
I worked until four o’clock that afternoon, frustrated that Heather’s bar receipts weren’t adding up. Either she was keeping some stuff from me in order to torture me or make me look inept, or she was hiding something. I rubbed my temples, wondering if I should leave this to fresh eyes in the morning.
That’s when Max came up. “Hey, you planning to attend the New Year’s Eve party tomorrow night?”
“Uh, I’m not sure. What does it entail?”
He chuckled. “Not a gang bang. At least, not including you. It’ll be like the Christmas party, only more festive because of the countdown. Make sure you stick to the main floor, though. Don’t go into the basement.”
“There’s a basement?”
“No. No. And no,” came Shane’s words from the elevator doors, which had just opened to reveal him.
“There isn’t a basement?” I played coy, enjoying that it instantly irritated him. Considering he’d ignored me all day, I wasn’t sorry.
“There is, but you’re not going to the main floor, let alone the basement, which Max shouldn’t have mentioned to you. I’ll have enough on my mind without worrying about you in that crowd.”
“Yes, well, I’m not your responsibility, Shane.”
“You’re working here, so yes, you are.”
I turned towards Max, who was looking amused at our exchange. “You know, I’ll have to see how this job goes with my pain-in-the-ass, temporary boss. Suddenly, I have the urge to work longer hours to get this assignment done.” I gathered the rest of my stuff and turned off the desk lamp. “Good night, gentleman.”