He kissed my neck again, causing my body to shiver. “Rule two is you’re honest with your boundaries. You need girl time, study time, alone time, whatever—you’ve gotta let me know. And I’ll do the same. Between my job and your school, we’ll both be busy, but it’ll make us appreciate the hours we do manage to carve out.”
“Okay.” I could do that. Because I needed a balance in my life. I didn’t want to wrap my whole life around a boyfriend.
“And lastly, I need to tell your brother.”
“Tell him we’re casually exclusively dating slowly?”
He grinned, giving me a soft kiss. “Yes. I owe him the truth. And I don’t wish to hide it from anyone, least of all him. But it’s only if you’re okay with it.”
“I am.” And he couldn’t know how much it meant to me that he’d ask.
He dropped his lips to mine for another kiss. “What do you say? Can I take you out?”
“I’d like that. To date you.”
He grinned, and the effect hit me square in the chest.
“What are you doing tomorrow night?”
“Dinner with my brother and Emma. You want to come?”
“Yes. Do you think you could give me your new phone number? I’ll call you tomorrow.” He pulled away, taking two steps back.
“Wait. You’re leaving now?” This was not how I thought the night was progressing.
“I was serious when I said we could go slow. This isn’t just about sex.”
“I appreciate you saying that, but—” I launched myself at him. I could feel the vibration of his chest as he chuckled and returned my kiss. “I’m not a very patient girl.”
“Thank God.”
He lifted me up onto my countertop, stepping between my legs and crashing his lips down on mine. His hands caressed my thighs, making me shiver.
“How do you think your brother will react to the news we’re dating?”
I wasn’t sure, to be honest. Trevor was normally levelheaded, but I also knew he could be protective of me. “Not sure. Having second thoughts about telling him?”
He shook his head, his face dead serious. “There are no second thoughts when it comes to anything about you, princess.”