Page 71 of Without Judgment

“Earth to Avery. You okay?”

I snapped out of my overdramatic relationship thoughts, thankful he wasn’t a mind reader. “Sure. I’ll load the truck.”

What was happening to me? I was sweating. In all fairness, this was Texas in August, but then why did I feel this anxiety? I grabbed the two sacks of ice and then loaded the bags into the truck, still cringing at the ice cream and my absentmindedness. I was finished by the time Mason came back with his own two bags.

“Are you stocking up?”

He grinned. “I am, but I also got dry ice. And more ice cream. I should’ve thought about it sooner. Never done it before, but the dry ice should keep it cool until tomorrow.”

Oh, now that was sweet. Uncommitted sweet. It was a thing. It was my thing now.

“You okay, princess? You look flushed.”

“Must be the thought of ice cream once we get back.”

He chuckled before rearranging the cold groceries in the back. It was clear that, at least for now, my crazy thoughts about how to do casual sex and not conjure up the wish for a relationship were still my own.


“What did your friend have to say about Theo. Any news?” I posed this question during the ride back.

The moment I mentioned him, Mason went back into security mode with his jaw tick and serious expression.

“We definitely think he’s involved somehow. Or more specifically, his father is. No way a college kid would have the type of clout or the need to derail your father’s campaign. The question is why his father wants to. I called your dad right after speaking with my contact at the FBI. He has some ideas that will hopefully pan out.”

“It’s gotta involve Knopff’s real estate business.”

His gaze found mine. “Why do you say that?”

My brain was going a million miles a minute, wishing I had access to the Internet to do more research. “Just makes sense. Theo’s father builds in Houston. My father is running for mayor of Houston. You should ask him if there are any conflicts.”

He would have people who could look into it. Although it had felt good to take matters into my own hands to prove my innocence in the videos, I didn’t have the energy or resources to figure out the political motivations involved in the upcoming election.

“Your dad guessed the same. He’s investigating all of Knopff’s pending deals with the city, zoning permits, et cetera. We’ll find the connection.”

“I’m sure you will.”

He studied me for a moment, obviously reading me well. “You’re over it, aren’t you?”

“Sort of. Which sounds selfish, I suppose. I worried more about clearing my name than I do about finding out who’s behind this. But after my father put his campaign before me, I simply don’t care anymore. I’m looking forward to moving out of Houston and starting over.”

“It’s not selfish. Especially given what you’ve already been through. I suppose finding out how it all started would only be the icing on the cake. All signs point to Edward getting in trouble gambling with his friend Theo. Theo’s father, Wade Knopff, bought the debt and blackmailed Edward into making the videos, hoping the scandal would get your father to quit. At least, that’s my theory. Just gotta have motive and proof.”

I tried to conjure up a small bit of sympathy for Edward getting caught up in it all, but couldn’t find it. He’d put me through hell. Not once, but twice.

We were quiet until we arrived at the dirt road, and he commented, “You bought a lot of food for only a few days.”

I could feel it. The subtle question and maybe an accusation I could be hoping for more time with him. Nope. I wouldn’t be that girl.

“What we don’t eat I’ll take with me to wherever I go next. Or you can.”

Once we pulled up to the gate and Mason got out to unlock it, I had a plan to put things back on track. This was sex for a couple days. And I wouldn’t deny myself the pleasure of it. Nor would I be shy in initiating it.

After Mason parked in front of the cabin and turned off the engine, I made my move. I’d unbuckled my seatbelt, so it was easy to pounce onto his lap. Unfortunately, grace wasn’t a word I’d use to describe the way I straddled him.

He didn’t seem to mind, though. Both his hands came to rest on my ass. “Whatcha doing?” His voice was husky and his eyes simmering with the same lust I was feeling.

“Let me show you.”