I grinned that she’d used the word, after all. “Washed in the lake this morning since I couldn’t fuck you awake.” I enjoyed the way her cheeks pinkened at my words. Who would’ve guessed her touch of innocence would be so arousing?
I could feel the hum of her sound down into my balls. But when she took me deep into her throat, I had to keep myself from coming with embarrassing haste. “Careful, princess. You know what happened last time you tried to do that.”
But instead of being embarrassed or backing off, she bared her teeth, lightly scraping the tender flesh and causing me to swell even further in her mouth.
“You like that?” she asked, a gleam in her eye.
Fuck. I did. The edge was a turn-on in itself, but even more so in having come, so unexpectedly, from her. “Yes. And I won’t bring the episode up again. I promise.”
I was trying to think of anything and everything I could to last longer. But she wasn’t having it. As soon as her free hand started playing with my balls, I knew it was pointless.
“I’m going to come.” It was meant as a warning if she didn’t want to swallow. No response. She simply bobbed faster.
“Avery, I can’t hold back any longer.”
“Then don’t.” She got out before diving for my dick again. Christ. This girl was full of surprises. I growled when the first stream hit her tongue and didn’t stop until I was completely empty.
She swallowed it all down, even licking the tip for the last drop.
I was so astounded I think my jaw dropped. And when her blue eyes looked up at me with a hint of insecurity in their depths, I knew I was in trouble. I wasn’t going to be able to keep this in the box I’d labeled as no feelings allowed. It was clear I was developing them for this girl.
“Was that okay? You look a bit, well, weird if I’m being honest.”
My lips twitched. I felt weird alright. “It was incredible. I just—I wasn’t expecting that. Which I realize is either a compliment or an insult.”
I bent down, nuzzling her neck, my fingers intent on finding her pussy.
“Huh. I guess I’ll take it as a shitty compliment. How’s that?”
Her humor was infectious, and I found myself shaking in silent laughter.
“You’re laughing again. Is it at me or with me?”
I pulled back to drop a kiss to her lips. “With you, princess. Definitely with you.”
After I gave Avery two orgasms with both my mouth and my fingers, she did a remarkable job in getting bathed, then dressed quickly for our trip to town. I was learning her body and couldn’t wait to have her all to myself over the next few days. The idea of time brought up a potentially sticky subject, I realized, as we pulled into the Super Walmart two towns over.
“Have you thought about how many days you want to be gone?” I inquired.
She turned towards me in my truck. She was wearing a sexy little dress which was laughable for camping, but as she’d pointed out, it wasn’t like she’d packed for such a trip.
“I’m not sure. From home? Awhile. But maybe a few days here, then I’ll go visit my brother in Dallas.”
I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn’t want her to assume our sleeping together meant we’d be staying up here for weeks. As fun as it was to be in her company, I had a business to get back to.
“You should make your calls, if you have any, before we get groceries. I’ll check in with your father.” It wouldn’t be my favorite task, but I’d told him I would, and it would hopefully keep him from freaking out. I also needed to call my guy to see if he had anything new on Edward’s gambling friend, Theo.
“Okay. I need to call a few people. Should we meet in fifteen minutes?”
“Sounds good. You can stay in the truck. I’ll take a walk over to the side of the building.” That way we’d both have privacy.
Enormous relief hit me when Avery’s father didn’t answer his phone, and I was able to leave a voicemail. Call it guilt over my sleeping with his daughter or annoyance at the way he’d been treating her, but I was okay with not speaking to him right now.
Unfortunately, my FBI guy was unavailable, too. I was just asking him to call me back when my phone started buzzing with the return call of Mr. Newhall. Taking a deep breath, I answered.