She was quiet in my truck. I knew I should say something, but my brain was too focused on what not to bring up. Me calling her pretty. My nightmares. My fingers deep inside of her. How wet she’d been. How I’d jerked off after.
Christ. I needed to get off that train of thought. How was it this girl I hadn’t slept with was leaving me more unsettled than any girl I ever had? Was it the chase? The forbidden part of wanting her?
I knew the moment she recognized where we were heading. She sat up taller and got a goofy smile on her face. The kind that made me feel weird about putting it there.
“We’re going to see the dogs?”
“Not quite.” I’d called Melanie and asked about taking Koda out for a couple hours. I knew he’d enjoy the park, but Avery would be absolutely over the moon about it.
I pulled in and sent the text message to Melanie. When she appeared two minutes later at the door with Koda already on a leash, I couldn’t help smiling. The only caveat, for safety’s sake, was his muzzle. Poor guy had dog aggression issues, and Melanie had made me promise to take precautions.
“You called Melanie?” Avery’s voice sounded disbelieving.
“Yep. We’re springing Koda, grabbing some food, and hanging out with him for a couple of hours at the park.”