Page 32 of Without Judgment



I woke up feeling disoriented and realized I wasn’t in my own room. More concerning than that was the fact I wasn’t alone in the bed. Then I remembered Mason’s nightmare. He’d been yelling, such anguish breaking in his voice, that I hadn’t hesitated to try and console him. It had felt natural to climb in bed and rub his back in order to ward off his nightmares. I had meant to go back to my own room once he’d fallen asleep, but I must’ve fallen asleep, too.

A quick glance at the clock showed it was after two in the morning.

Knowing he’d be embarrassed about his nightmare, my intention was to sneak out of the bed. One problem. His leg lay over mine. And it wasn’t exactly terrible to have all that muscle and heat surrounding me.

Leaning back, I could see his sleeping face in the moonlight and the dark shadow of stubble already forming on his jaw. Good Lord, he was sexy. Which made getting out of the bed that much harder. I started with one leg, scooting it back. I then tried to move the one he was on top of when he shifted, pulling in closer. His face burrowed into my neck.

Sweet torture to be this close to him. He smelled divine and felt even better. Then, suddenly, he was on top of me. All six foot two, one hundred and eighty pounds of hard, male muscle. I gasped as I felt his lips on my skin, his tongue tasting me. I froze for a moment in shock. Then relief set in that I hadn’t been imagining the buildup to this. He was as attracted to me as I had been to him.

Hands I’d fantasized about ran down my body, caressing me over my PJ shorts before dipping below my waistband. I realized he was moving fast. Much faster than I was accustomed to. I could’ve stopped him. Could’ve moved away. But I was the girl who’d only been with one man in her entire life. The girl who was insanely attracted to Mason. I didn’t want him to stop. I wanted to feel. Not overthink.

My body arched into his caress while his hand found my heat.

His fingers entered me without so much as a heads-up, like, hey, good morning, I’m going to penetrate you now. “Are you wet for me, princess?” he whispered in my ear.

I had never been so utterly turned on in all my life. His fingers curled up, finding a spot I hadn’t known existed, pumping harder and faster, making my legs shake and breathing damn near impossible. It felt amazing to be this desired. To discover I hadn’t been imagining his attraction to me.

“Oh, God, Mason.”

But then it was all suddenly gone. My body robbed of both the orgasm and his fingers as he scrambled off the mattress.

“What the fuck is going on?” He was standing by the side of the bed, staring down at me with confusion. He rubbed his face as if he’d just woken up.

“Wh-at?” I was still panting, in an embarrassingly manner, shaking, and on edge from having been so close to what I was certain would have been the most powerful climax in my life.

And here he was in nothing but tented boxers. But instead of moving forward with things, he was asking me a question. “Why are you in my bed?”

I sat up. It dawned on me that he must’ve been half asleep. But he’d called me ‘princess,’ making me think he’d been awake enough. “You were having a nightmare last night. I rubbed your back and then fell asleep.”

“And my fingers ended up inside of your pussy how exactly?”

Officially the most awkward question ever asked.

“I was trying to scoot out—then you were on top of me and—” I wasn’t making any sense, but how could I? He’d completely doused my arousal, and now incredible humiliation was settling in.

“Oh, fuck. Was I forcing you?” His entire face went white.

“No, no.” I was quick to reassure him. Although it might be an easy way out of this situation, I wasn’t going to let him believe I’d been unwilling or asleep. “It was a shock and a bit fast, but you weren’t forcing me.”

I got up and onto my feet, not able to meet his eyes and wishing I could disappear. I was sure my entire face was crimson. “I’m, um, gonna go.”

He moved to block the door. “Not until you tell me what that was. Why the hell would you let things go so far?”

My temper snapped, taking control over the embarrassment. “Why did I let it go so far? How about you? You pulled me to you and just took over.”

“You let me.”

“Damn right I did. I admit to that, even though it sucks because, clearly, you were still sleeping, which is really freaking pathetic considering you were about to give me what could possibly be the best orgasm of my life while half asleep when the other asshole I’d been with could hardly do it while wide awake. You want to know why I let you? The answer is I don’t know. But it wasn’t because I thought ‘oh, boy, let me take advantage of this half-sleeping man when he doesn’t realize it’s me.’ Matter of fact, you called me princess.”

“Maybe I call all the girls that.”

Damn. That stung. “Terrific. Then this is a new low for me. You were unaware that you were finger fucking me and called me princess because that’s what you call every girl. Now, move aside, so I can go have a proper freak-out in my bedroom before we both forget this ever happened.”

The asshole had the nerve to lift a brow at my little outburst.