“Smells wonderful. How did you discover this spot?”
“Was visiting Houston a few years ago, and a friend recommended it. They have the best burgers you’ve ever tasted.”
It was nice to see her smiling. “Okay. Then I’ll have what you’re having.” She closed her menu without even looking at it.
I smirked. “I get the beer cheese with jalapeno burger. It’s quite spicy, princess. You may want to begin with the basics.”
She smirked back. “Yeah? You think I can’t handle the heat?”
Her fire and spark were back. “Perhaps I like to see you rise to the challenge.” And I did. Not only was it sexy, but it also showed me there was a fire in her. One that didn’t always do as Daddy asked her to. One that allowed her to rise to the occasion, even if it was just to a spicy burger. It was a start.
She seemed to contemplate my words. “Challenge accepted, then.”
We chatted a bit until the ooey gooey burgers arrived. I rather expected her to knife and fork it, but she shocked me by picking up the thing, opening her mouth wide, and taking a bite. She topped this performance off by using her finger to catch the dripping beer-cheese sauce and a hanging jalapeno, and then licking it clean.
I was rendered motionless. Her ensuing sound of pleasure sent me over the edge of regretting this little side adventure.
“God, this is good.”
I got hard. Over watching Avery eat a messy, spicy burger, and then tip back her bottle of beer like she did this every day.
Her big blue eyes met mine. “You gonna eat?”
I had to mentally shake it off. “Yep.” I took my own first bite, closing my eyes with the flavors that hit my tongue. Nothing was better than a good burger. After being in Iraq, I’d never take such a thing for granted again.
She scooted her beer across the table. “I get you’re technically on-duty, but one swig won’t hurt, and we both know it tastes better with a beer.”
I took a pull off her offered beer, trying not to think of her lips having been around the rim merely seconds before. She was right; it was better with the beer.
“I wouldn’t have pegged you for a beer girl.”
She grinned. “Not everything tastes good with champagne, you know.”
“Fair enough.” I chuckled.
“And I was the beer pong champion at my sorority, which was probably because nobody else would drink the stuff. I could shotgun a can in, like, seven seconds.”
“I won’t lie. I kind of want to see it. Hidden talent?”
She giggled. “It is, but I think my keg stand is more impressive.”
I lifted a brow, picturing her tight little body atop a keg as she funneled in beer. This didn’t fit the image I had of her in fancy designer clothes, pearls, and country clubs and showed there was a little rebellion hidden in there somewhere. “I bet.”
“Thanks for this.”
We both knew she wasn’t talking about the food.
After checking all of the locks and the cameras, I climbed into bed later that night. Unfortunately, right before sleep was when I became most tense. I could have all the self-control in the world during the daylight hours, but once I was asleep, my subconscious took over, throwing me back into Iraq. I’d find myself at a year ago during my final tour—when I hadn’t been able to save Mick’s life after his vehicle hit a roadside bomb. In the beginning, I’d tried sleeping pills, but I scrapped them once I discovered they left me groggy in the morning and completely useless at night if something were to happen.
Finally forcing myself to relax, I let my mind wander to a sexy blonde. Despite the warning bells, she’d managed to get under my skin. Today, we’d forged our first truce since I’d taken the job, and it was nice. I’d actually enjoyed her company and cheering her up. Finally, with the image of her doing a keg stand, I succumbed to sleep.
One moment I was back on that familiar Iraqi roadside, trying desperately to save Mick in his burning vehicle, and then the next, I was drowning in water. What in the hell?
I woke with a start, bolting upright in bed. I was under assault in the form of Avery standing at the end of my bed with a super soaker squirt gun. She let another steady stream hit my face.
My hands flew up. “Jesus. Stop. I’m awake.”