Page 3 of Without Judgment


The next morning, I drove home. I’d done what Trevor had suggested and crashed in a hotel room last night. Earlier in the morning, my father had assured me via text message that everyone had been cleared from the front of the house, so it was safe to return. He wasn’t there to greet me when I did, but at least all of the cars which had been parked by the gate were gone.

Since the video was now out there for the world, I no longer had to rely on my father to give me a copy. Of course I could’ve looked it up on my phone last night in the hotel, but to be honest, I hadn’t been ready. Denial had reigned supreme. If I didn’t actually look at it, I could pretend it didn’t exist. But now in the light of day, I could no longer chicken out. Once in the privacy of my room, I took a deep breath and booted up my laptop. Nothing like googling yourself with the words ‘sex video’ and finding all of the hits out there. Oh, God. My stomach clenched while my eyes still burned from crying most of last night. Then the video started.

The room triggered no recognition, but it was dark. Looked a bit like a hotel room? Then there was Edward. He’d made certain his cheating face was on camera, but when it panned to me, I was on the bed, my face turned away, conveniently angled off camera. All I could see was blond hair. No face shots. The body type was the same as mine in being petite and fair-skinned.

But it wasn’t me.

Not only was the woman wearing lingerie I didn’t own, but also I’d never been that loud or made those fake cries of pleasure. Nor do I remember Edward taking me from behind like he was doing this girl. And the camera didn’t appear to be hidden, which meant she knew she was being filmed and purposefully hid her identity.

The question was why would Edward lie?

Contrary to the advice of my father, I immediately dialed him. It was the first time I’d done so in months. I left a message for him to call me back but doubted he would. Fucking coward.

It wasn’t enough that he’d cheated on me months before the wedding with my ex-best friend, but now he had to go and do this? When I discovered his infidelity, I’d been heartbroken at first. But then I’d realized I’d been so wrapped up in the idea of marrying my high school sweetheart, like my parents had done, that I’d been overlooking some serious character flaws in my future husband. People had told me twenty-two was too young. Now, I wished I had listened.

But none of this explained why, as the cheater, he found the need to punish me further.

Hearing the knock on my bedroom door, I sighed. The last thing I wanted was another talk with my dad. However, I was now armed with new information after having viewed the video for myself. I sat up and told him, “Come in.”

He opened the door but wouldn’t look me in the eyes.

Once again, I was instantly saddened. It was as if the shame of this scandal had trumped his love for me. “Good morning, Dad.”

“Hi. Um, look, I’ve been thinking all night and brainstorming with your brother about the situation with the media. We need to get you a security detail. At least short-term.”

“Oh.” After the scary ordeal last night, I wouldn’t argue. “Sure. I guess so, but I have some news.”

He looked tired. “What’s that?”

“It’s not me on the video. I viewed it, and I can absolutely say without a doubt it wasn’t me.”

He blew out a breath, meeting my eyes for a second. “It doesn’t matter. Everyone thinks it’s you.”

“But it isn’t.” Why wasn’t he relieved? Why wasn’t he offering to help me prove it?

“Edward is saying it is.”

“He’s lying.”

“Why would he lie?”

“Why would I?” I saw surprise register on his face that I’d spoken up. But Jesus. My own father didn’t believe me?

“Not saying you are, but it’s a moot point. Meet me downstairs in fifteen minutes.”

Ugh. I wanted to scream at him as he left and shut my door. Since I was frustrated, I only took ten minutes to change out of my sweats, put my blond hair up in a ponytail and don jeans and a T-shirt. Wasn’t like I had anyone to impress.

But as I descended the stairs, making a beeline for my father’s office, I heard voices. Figuring my dad was with a PR person or one of his attorneys, I went straight into his open doors. The man who stood beside him, though, brought me up short.

My father spotted me. “Oh, good. Right on time. Avery, do you remember your brother’s friend, Mason Butler?”

Nope. Because I would’ve recalled the ice-blue eyes framed with dark lashes now boring into mine. I would’ve remembered the chiseled face with hard planes and a shave that had to be fresh as there wasn’t one trace of stubble. A haircut which looked severely military and yet natural for him. And a body that the black business suit he wore didn’t even begin to hide, starting with broad shoulders, moving to a trim waist, and ending with long legs. He had to be well over six feet tall.

“Um, no. I don’t.”

My father smiled, but Mason still hadn’t. “Yes, well, the boys attended college together before Mason went off into the Marines. Since getting out a few months ago, he’s been working to start his own security company.”