“I know she can be a tad dramatic over some things, but this isn’t one of them.”
“Yeah, I’m getting that.” She hadn’t been dramatic at all. “Did you like her ex?” I don’t know why I was curious.
“Hell, no. But they were in high school when it started. I figured it would fizzle out eventually. I mean, any guy who goes by the full name of Edward in the state of Texas should give you pause.”
I laughed, thinking the name was rather formal.
“But Avery is loyal. Too loyal as he didn’t deserve it. I’m just happy she didn’t take him back after he cheated. Kicked him to the curb. Anyhow, I wanted to thank you again for being there.”
“Like I said, it’s fine. We went to the dog rescue place this morning.”
“That’s where I got Rufus from.”
“I didn’t realize that until today.”
“Rufus was skin and bones when he was found. My sister brought him to me and asked if I’d foster him and fatten him up. The rest is history. In no time, I couldn’t fathom giving him back. Anyhow. What else is going on?”
“Not much. There aren’t any photogs outside the gate tonight, which is a good sign. I think the PR team must’ve turned it around and made Edward out as the asshole.”
“Yeah, my dad mentioned the scandal hasn’t dropped his projected numbers, so at least he’s relieved. If you ask me, this could be what the video is all about. Trying to attack my father’s campaign through his daughter.”
The thought had crossed my mind, too. “That wouldn’t shock me. How are things with you?”
“Can’t complain. Construction begins tomorrow, and I’m excited about that. And things with Emma are amazing. She’s the one.”
I’d met his girlfriend briefly a couple months ago. It was obvious they were both completely gone for one another. “Congrats man. I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks. Anyhow, I won’t keep you.”
“Okay. Talk to you later.” I hung up thinking perhaps it was time to ask Mr. Newhall some questions and offer to do some digging.