After scanning the restaurant to ensure there wasn’t any press around, I waited in the SUV across the street while Avery had lunch with her friends. During the hour in the car, I made phone calls back home to Austin, trying to keep up with the two guys I had working for me on various jobs in that city.
As I was only starting my business, I spent the majority of time trying to obtain new contracts with companies needing security. The fifty thousand dollars Mr. Newhall had committed to invest would go a long way towards buying modern equipment and an updated computer system for administration. At first, I’d balked at the proposal. But after talking with Trevor about the way his father often invested in new businesses and knowing I would pay back every penny once I was up and running, I’d agreed. But it was his endorsement I hoped would open doors. Business depended on word of mouth. And Charles Newhall knew a lot of people.
But first I needed to get through this babysitting job. Despite the monetary opportunity it afforded, every minute I was here cut into my short-term goals. So did the vision of taking my charge over my knee and spanking her perfect ass. I wasn’t even into that kind of kink, but now she’d gone and planted the idea. Like it wasn’t enough I was already fighting an attraction to her. Good thing I was a man of discipline.
My eight years in the Marine Corps had instilled plenty of that. It had come at a heavy cost, though, particularly the time in Iraq.
My discipline was unwavering. Therefore, while my dick might have one agenda regarding a gorgeous blonde, my mind certainly had another. That didn’t include bedding a spoiled debutante who happened to be my very best friend’s baby sister. Hell, I doubted I was even her type. In fact, the last thing I wanted was to be her type, especially if that douche bag, Edward, had been her fiancé. He appeared every inch an entitled frat boy who didn’t have a callous on his hand or a scuff on his shoe. I was the opposite, neither rich, polished, nor refined.
Despite my dismissive opinion of her, the image of him putting his hand on her while giving a veiled threat boiled my blood. So did the fact he’d all but admitted he knew it wasn’t her on the video. I told myself it was only research when I pulled up the clip on my phone to watch the thing, after all. It wasn’t hard to find considering it was all over the Internet. Damn. He smiled at the camera with an expression that made me want to punch him. Meanwhile the woman positioned herself carefully so one couldn’t see her face. She’d absolutely known she was being filmed. But before I got to the end, the opening of the passenger side door startled me. Fumbling with the phone, I turned it off in the nick of time. But my expression must’ve been off.
“What?” Avery asked, her head cocked to the side.
There wasn’t a good way to say ‘I was viewing your alleged sex video,’ so I left it alone and hoped she didn’t notice the heat rising to my face. “Nothing. Just thought it would take longer. Where to next?”
She buckled her seatbelt, looking uncharacteristically defeated. “Home.”
Against my better judgment, I asked, “Everything okay?”
I should’ve been relieved she didn’t wish to talk about it, but her reserve wasn’t fitting in with my image of her. In fact, I expected during the thirty-minute drive home she’d prattle on about something superficial. Instead, she kept completely quiet, seemingly lost in her thoughts.
“What is on the agenda for tomorrow? More lunching, country clubs, or confrontations I should be aware of?”
She glared at me for a moment before sighing. “I only have one errand tomorrow.”
When we arrived back at the house, she didn’t wait for me before going indoors. That suited me fine. Especially if she intended to stay home. If I didn’t have to drive her anywhere else, I’d have time to put into work.
Twenty minutes later I was sitting at the kitchen table, preparing a new contract on my laptop, when Avery came downstairs. She was on the phone.
“Yeah, Dad. Have a good trip.” She glanced in my direction. “Yes. I will. Love you. Bye.”
She hung up, flopping into the chair across from me at the kitchen table. “My father will be out of town for the next couple of days on business. And in light of the video, my campaign visit to the children’s hospital tomorrow and the women’s shelter at the end of the week have both been cancelled.”
“He told me this morning.”
I watched the hurt flash in her eyes, possibly because I’d known before she had.
“I need your phone,” I said.
“For what?”
“To input my number so you have it and can send your schedule to me there. Also for tracking. It’s a safety precaution that I know where you are at all times.”
She blew out a breath, studied me, and finally handed over her device. “For how long?”
I deftly entered my number in her contacts and then moved to download the app that would allow me to track her. “Your father asked for two weeks. By then, it should all blow over.” I grabbed my phone, activated her number, and paired them up. Once I finished, I handed back her device.
“Okay, then. Guess I’ll see you tomorrow sometime,” she said.
I didn’t bother to correct her and announce I was spending my nights here. She’d find that out for herself soon enough.