Page 5 of Without Judgment



The last place I wanted to be at the moment was standing in Mr. Newhall’s home office, starting a gig as his daughter’s security detail. But owing someone a favor was a real bitch. In this case, the someone was my best friend, and he was cashing in the favor by asking me babysit his little sister.

I’d met Trevor freshman year when we’d been roommates at University of Texas in Austin. I’d had a chip on my shoulder at age eighteen, with a less-than-social demeanor, and had been anxious to be away from a home that I no longer considered as such. But Trevor had drawn me out of my shell and smoothed over my rough edges. In turn, I’d roughed up some of his. Even after I’d left for the Marine Corps following graduation, we’d kept in touch. We’d become as close as brothers. And one thing a brother didn’t do was refuse to repay a debt.

He’d saved my ass one night during our senior year. I’d been ready to piss away my future in a bar fight, having let my pride get the best of me. I could’ve ruined my chances to be a Marine Corps officer if Trevor hadn’t stepped in and convinced me to walk away that night. Although he didn’t have to bring it up, I knew I owed him. And this was my repayment: to drop everything to be here.

At least it wouldn’t be a tough task, keeping Avery safe. In this day and age, having a sex video seemed to be a rite of passage for spoiled rich girls. Whether it was to get Daddy’s attention or because she’d had a drunken night with her fiancé and a camera didn’t much matter to me. Wasn’t like she was in real danger. Rather, she’d created a nuisance, with the press swarming around over her sex video because of who her father was. But in light of her brother asking the favor, along with her dad sweetening the deal by promising to invest in my new venture, I was stuck with the princess.

The I-wish-she-wasn’t-quite-so-beautiful type and I-wasn’t-quite-so-attracted-to her princess. She had a heart-shaped face with big blue eyes and wore her blond hair up in a ponytail. It seemed strange that even though I’d known her older brother for nine years I’d never met her. Of course she’d been too young to come visit him at college, and I’d always turned down any invitation for me to come spend time with his family. I hardly spent time with my own family, so going to see someone else’s would have felt strange.

But now it was clear she was all grown up. And completely off-limits.

Mr. Newhall gathered his briefcase and gave his daughter one last look. “This is only temporary, Avery.”

The sound of his retreating footsteps and then the closing of the front door meant we were completely alone.

My eyes met hers. “Guess now is as good a time as any to go over my rules.”

She quirked a brow. Her delicate features smoothed into a bored face, which instantly irritated me. I’d already set her in the category of women whose attractiveness only went skin deep. I knew others like her. There’d been plenty at college. She was a self-absorbed, Daddy’s-little-rich-girl who upped her nose at anyone she considered beneath her. This suited me fine. I’d never want anyone to mistake me for being interested. I didn’t do relationships.

I suspected I wasn’t being exactly fair, considering she was my best friend’s sister and he loved her more than anything. But I couldn’t help feeling an instant annoyance towards her. Maybe it was because I didn’t like surprises. Avery Newhall was no longer the freckled-faced little girl I’d seen in her brother’s photos years ago.

“Just so we’re clear, you will be following my rules. Or you can face the reality that your father will put you in lockdown. Then you won’t be able to play with your friends, go to parties, or do whatever else it is that you do.”

Temper flickered in her gaze. “Okay. Lay them on me.”

“Rule one is you inform me where you’re going to be at all times. I need a list of your planned activities the night prior.”

I waited for her to agree. “Is that understood?”

“Yes. Is that it?”

“No. Rule two is I drive you everywhere. We won’t be able to take your car for a while since it’s recognizable. Rule three is you keep your cell phone charged and on you always. Rule four is you need to listen to me always and without question. I’m here for one purpose and one purpose only, which isn’t to remind you of these rules if you can’t seem to remember them.”

I was being a jerk, but I didn’t like the way she was challenging me already. As if I was merely the ‘hired help’ although, to her, I probably was.

Her fists clenched. “How about you write those down so my little brain can wrap around them?”

My eyes narrowed. “I’m liking this about as much as you are, princess. Don’t test me.”

“Don’t call me that.” With these words, she turned on her heel and left, giving me a view of her perfect ass encased in dark denim as she walked out of the room.

Not exactly off to the best start.

I took the next hour to familiarize myself with the layout of the house. And what a house it was. Seven thousand square feet, not including the pool house out back. That alone was twice the size of my loft in Austin. Jesus.

Even though there were cameras which displayed the grounds, Mr. Newhall’s security system was outdated. We’d spoken about that, and he wasn’t sparing any expense in having me upgrade it. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t thrilled about that part of the job. This was what I wanted to do. Consult with someone and find out how to make their home or business safer. Having Charles Newhall endorse me would go a long way towards this endeavor. Hopefully, I could expand my business from the two guys who currently worked for me to a legitimate company with an actual office space and dozens of employees. At least that was the dream.

I finalized my list of upgrades, needing to place an order for the equipment today. I was on my laptop in the kitchen doing just that when Avery came in. It had been an hour since she’d retreated to her bedroom. But now, instead of being dressed casually, she’d changed into a pale blue dress with black high heels. A matching purse was slung over her shoulder, and over-sized sunglasses hid her eyes. I wasn’t a fashion expert, but I could guarantee her outfit was worth thousands.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

She handed me a slip of paper with the date at the top, time in the middle, and ‘country club, then lunch’ written under that. “I’ll give you directions along the way.”

I gritted my teeth. She apparently thought of me as a chauffeur who was to drive her fancy, yet sexy, ass around. I wanted to chastise her for not giving this to me sooner, but I’d only been here an hour, and even I wasn’t that unreasonable. “Fine, but I need tomorrow’s schedule tonight, not five minutes before you’re ready to leave. We’ll take an SUV your father rented so no one recognizes it.”


She followed me out to the garage and got into the passenger side without a word, settling her purse on her lap and looking everywhere but at me. We passed a couple paparazzi cars camped outside of the gate, causing her to tense and slide down in her seat, but even then, she said nothing. Matter of fact, aside from the directions, she didn’t say another word for the next six miles.

I pulled up to the curb in front of a beautiful stone building I assumed was a country club. I was about to ask the valet where I should park when she unfastened her seat belt and opened her door, bolting out.

“I’ll be only a few minutes.”

Great. She was already ditching me.