It had taken everything in me not to ask Mason how it went with turning down Melanie once he returned to the truck from taking Koda inside. And it wasn’t as though he was offering up any details. Instead we drove in silence.
As for his little warning about not being a relationship guy. I wasn’t stupid. I knew it wasn’t actually because he thought I planned to set him up with Melanie. It was for me. Because he was afraid of me becoming attached. Well, message already received by way of his disgust in finding out he’d accidently sleep-touched me.
I could say it wasn’t possible to be attached to him, but I’d be lying. I was too limited in my sexual experience not to develop some feelings. What I found most fascinating was the fact it would be too easy to do just that. I recognized my natural tendency was to go for the comfort of a relationship. But knowledge was thankfully power. Because despite that being the safe route, it wasn’t the one which would make me happy. I was convinced of this the same way I was that not taking Edward back had been the best decision. Doing the right thing wasn’t often the easiest, but I hoped in the end it would be the most rewarding.
“You okay princess?” Mason asked, turning towards me at the house gate.
Wrong thing to say now that I knew he called all the girls by the same nickname. “I’m fine.”
My brother greeted us in the driveway. I barely let the truck come to a stop before bolting out the passenger door into his arms for a hug. He didn’t hesitate to return it. I’d missed him. But most of all, I was grateful he’d made the time to come home today of all days.
“Hey. Hey. No tears. You okay?” His concerned face studied mine.
I hadn’t even realized I’d been crying. “Yes. Sorry.” I stepped back, wiping my eyes, and glancing over to where Mason was standing appearing uncomfortable. “I guess I didn’t realize how much it meant to have you here until I saw you.”
He gave me a smile, hugging me again. “I should’ve come in sooner.”
I waved him off not wanting to be his responsibility. “Don’t be silly. I had a good day with Koda and stuff.” I’d been about to say with Mason, but that sounded weird. “Mason was nice enough to get me out of the house.” That sounded better.
“I owe you man,” Trevor said to his long-time friend making me realize once again this was only being done because Mason owed him a favor.
“Wasn’t an issue. How long you in town?”
“Just until tomorrow. Sorry sis. I wish it could be longer, but I’ve gotta get back. By the way Emma told me to say hello. She wanted me to pass on if you want to come hang out in Dallas, we’d both love to have you there.”
“I may take you up on that in a few weeks when I start looking at schools.”
“Is there one in Dallas you’re considering?”
“University of Texas.” The campus in Austin had possibilities too, but I planned to look at all the prospects. Although out of state could be an option, I preferred for now to at least stay within driving distance of home. What could I say? I desired my independence, but needed to take baby steps outside of my comfort zone.
“Good. Shall we go inside and watch movies. Pig out on junk food?”
My enthusiasm came easily. “You bet.”
It wasn’t until Trevor and I settled in for a movie a half hour later in the theatre room that I realized I was minus one bodyguard. “Where’s Mason?”
“He said he had something to do tonight if I was planning to hang out with you.”
“Oh?” I hoped my voice didn’t sound quite as anxious as I was feeling. Had he decided to go out with Melanie after all? Maybe he’d told her he didn’t do relationships and she’d smiled and told him great, she didn’t either. And then they kissed after he’d called her a princess too. And he’d been more than anxious to finally get a night off in order to take her out.
Overactive imagination much? “Did he say what he was doing?” Or who.
Trevor did that narrowing of his eyes thing when he was suspicious about what I was up to. “No and I didn’t to ask. Why are you so interested?”
“I’m not. The guy definitely deserves a night off.” My answer came out way too quickly and too defensive. I sighed. “You know me, I’m naturally curious about things which are probably none of my business. He’s kind of hard to get to know.”
His chuckle filled the room. “He’s a private guy. And the complete opposite of your type. So you’re aware.”
I made a face. “What’s my type exactly?”
He paused the tv, giving me a brotherly look I knew too well. “Not Mason. Remember he’s only here because he owed me a favor.”