Page 29 of Without Judgment



It was tempting to hand the phone over. Let Mason talk to Edward and see if he could get some answers. Hell, the thought of my cheating ex hearing Mason answer his call was very appealing, but I’d had enough other people speak for me over the last couple of days. I couldn’t complain about not having a voice if I then gave it willingly to someone else, hoping they’d deal with my problems.

And the last thing I wanted was to appear useless in front of Mason. Something about him made me desire his approval. His respect. At the same time that I was insanely attracted to him, I was appreciative of his friendship and aware it wasn’t something he gave out lightly.

I shook my head at his outreached hand and answered the call myself. Maybe I could get some answers on my own.


Edward’s voice was hurried. “Hi, Beth. I didn’t think you’d pick up.”

I noticed Mason’s jaw clench at the fact I hadn’t handed the phone over and had decided to take it myself. Instead of simply frowning, he looked straight-up pissed. So much for a truce. “What do you want, Edward?” Time to get this call over.

“I know tomorrow is The Day and I couldn’t not call.”

My resolve softened. Not to take him back. Oh, hell, no. But because this was the boy who at fourteen had brought me flowers on the anniversary of my mother’s death. Who’d taken me to the beach when we were seventeen. Who on this anniversary during our college years would hold me all night. For eight years, he’d been there for me even when my own family couldn’t.

“I appreciate it.”

Mason stood up and started to pace the room. His expression was stony, but his eyes gave him away. I was surprised he didn’t come over and rip the phone out of my hand. Anger radiated off of his body.

“I just— I’m sorry.”

If I had a dollar for every time he’d said that to me over the past few months, I could’ve bought my own island by now. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I took a deep breath. “If you’re truly sorry, you’d admit it isn’t me on the video.”

The white noise from the other side of the phone made it seem like he was standing outside somewhere.

At least Mason stopped his pacing and appeared to be waiting to see what Edward would say. He made a hand motion and whispered, “Put it on speaker.”

Believing it couldn’t hurt for Mason to hear a confession if Edward gave one, I did so.

“Did you hear me?” I wasn’t certain we were still connected since he hadn’t answered.

“Yes. It’s complicated, Beth. Please know I never meant for you to be caught up in it. And although you’re probably sick of hearing it: I’m sorry.”

“Caught up in what? Tell me.”

“I wish I could. You were always too good for me. The one regret I’ll always have is losing you.”

He might no longer be the same boy I’d fallen in love with, but his tone put me on edge. “Are you in some kind of trouble?”

My gaze found Mason’s. He obviously didn’t care for my question. Well, too fucking bad.

“I—I can’t. Just believe I’m thinking about you and wishing I was there with you tomorrow. I’ve gotta go.”

The phone went dead. I replayed the conversation in my head. Something was off. But what?

“You should’ve let me answer.” Judging by his voice, Mason was still ticked.

“I have enough people speaking for me these days without adding you to the mix.”

His assessing gaze held mine for a while before softening. “You were too nice to him.”

“Probably. But it was refreshing to know there’s something decent remaining in him that he’d call me tonight. Something which doesn’t have me completely questioning my judgment in spending the last eight years with him.”

Mason took the seat beside me again. “Tell me more about him. About what changed.”