Page 101 of Without Judgment

“I want to. I’d also like to tell your brother about us first thing.”

I might not know a lot about relationships, but I was aware of bro code. And telling my friend I was dating his sister was something I definitely needed to do face to face. I studied her expression and saw no worry regarding my statement.

“Okay. I’m going to jump in the shower. You joining me?”

“Tempting, but if I do, we won’t be done by the time your brother gets here. Go take yours, and I’ll follow. In the meanwhile, I’ll straighten up the bed.” The one which screamed sex with the tangled sheets and rumpled comforter, sitting in a studio apartment where her brother was bound to notice.

By the time the knock came on the front door, we’d both showered, and she was in the kitchen putting together the French toast casserole.

Although Trevor looked surprised to see me there, he didn’t question it. I gave a wink to Avery, who seemed a bit nervous, and then greeted both her brother and Emma with a smile.

“I was going to take Koda outside. You want to come with?” I asked Trevor.


As I headed downstairs and out the back door, I tried to think of a way to bring up the subject.

Luckily, once we were outside on in the small grassy yard, Trevor spoke first. “I was hoping you might come over this morning. The girls are going shopping, and I thought perhaps we could hang.”

“Unfortunately, I need to go into the office for a couple hours, but I’m available tonight for dinner.” Nothing like inviting myself although, technically, Avery already had.

“Sure. I believe we’re doing dinner and maybe a movie.”

“Sounds good. Uh, so remember when I asked you about relationships?”


“Well, I asked because I’d met someone I couldn’t stop thinking about. There’s no easy way to say this, but I want to date your sister.”

He lifted a brow before smiling. “Damn. I have to pay up to Emma. She was certain last night something was going on. We made a bet on it.”

“So you’re okay with it?” I figured he would be, eventually, but not quite this quickly.

His smile was sincere. “Of course. I know you wouldn’t be telling me unless you weren’t at least somewhat serious about her.”

“I’m falling in love with her.”

His face showed his shock. “Holy shit. How did I miss this?”

I chuckled, not believing I’d just blurted that out. “You didn’t. I only just realized it myself and haven’t even told her yet. We’re taking things slow. But know how special she is to me.”

He gave me pat on the back. “I’m happy for you both.”