Bollocks. I wasn’t even sure what I was asking. She’d behaved exactly as I’d needed her to at work today. Cool. Professional. She hadn’t used any emotion in telling me she had to get to a call. So why was it bugging me? “I don’t know.”
I was finished with my pizza and about to get out of the bed.
“Wait.” She sighed, putting down her last piece. “Earlier when you came by, I may have overshot on the professional thing. I was afraid if I didn’t switch the flirting to something more office-like, I’d fail.”
I turned towards her. “Fail what?”
“The test. I felt like you were giving me one. And the way you didn’t contact me at all yesterday was part of it, too.”
I swallowed hard, realizing she was showing vulnerability, and I needed to level the playing field. “The test you speak of was mostly for me. I’m new at this balancing act.”
“Me, too. But I’m glad you came by tonight.”
“Perhaps knowing when we can see one another again would be better.” Then we’d have something to look forward to instead of waiting and feeling on edge, wondering if the other one wanted to get together. It was silly. We had limited time, so we should use it.
“Mm. I like that idea.” She’d scooted her plate to the side.
“Friday night?” I posed the question while kissing her neck.
“It’s a plan. Then if you want to stay the night, we can go to my niece’s birthday party on Saturday afternoon. It’s only family. But good food and beer will be available. Don’t worry. My sister knows you as the guy I bought champagne for at the grocery store who spoke to her via speakerphone. But I haven’t shared that you’re involved with the company at all.”
I pulled back, hesitating, and then cursed myself when she noticed it and backtracked.
“You know what? Scratch that. We never agreed on family events being a part of this.”
I absolutely loathed how she said ‘this’ as if it was only a booty call. Then again, what else would she think the way I’d dropped in tonight. “I would attend if I could, I promise. But I have to work on Saturday. Tom is staying in town, and we’re going over all of the interview results.”
“It’s okay. I understand.”
Then why did I see the flash of hurt in her eyes before she covered it up and pretended she didn’t care.
The last thing I wanted to do was get out of the warm bed with Peyton. Her body pressed to mine after another round of lovemaking was the best thing I’d felt in—well, since I’d woken up with her in my bed in New York. But it was growing quite late.
I kissed her forehead. I still felt off about having to turn down her invite to meet her family. I knew she believed it had to do with the personal aspect, but I really did have an all-day session planned to go over the employees.
“You have to go, don’t you?” her voice murmured in the dark.
“How could you tell?”
“You sighed before becoming tense.”
“Probably because I don’t want to leave. We’ll plan on Friday evening, though, okay?”
“’Kay.” I could hear the sleepiness in her voice.
I crawled out of the bed with regret and then put on my clothes. “Emma should’ve sent you the schedules for your employees’ meetings today.”
Her head was on her pillow, her gorgeous face looking up at me. “She did. But I have a request.”
“What’s that?”
“We don’t talk about work in the bedroom. Consider it a safe zone and a reprieve from all the rest of the noise.”
I thought it strange to want a reprieve from the one thing I normally sought out the most. Yet with her, I was happy to have the break. “I’ve never heard a rule I’ve wanted to follow more than this one.”
“Thank you.”