I may gasp. “You were trying to set him up? With whom?”

“Any single warm-blooded female,” Paige explains.

Wow. That’s some stuff right there. I cackle just picturing the town busybodies trying to play matchmaker with him. No wonder he married me without much of an argument. He must have hated that.

“That’s fabulous. I wish I had seen it.” The women give me strange looks, and, oh, right, I’m married to him and supposed to be in love. Oops. I clear my throat. “I was going to check out the yoga studio and the library,” I say, changing the subject. “I haven’t gotten a chance to explore the town yet.” Because I’ve been hiding out for a week.

“Come have coffee with us,” Paige suggests. “We’ll happily show you around?—”

“After you give us all the dirt on your marriage to Lenox,” Miranda throws out with a teasing smile. “We still can’t believe he’s finally married. And to you.” She blanches and doinks her forehead. “Gah, nothing I’m saying is coming out right. Sorry, I’m a bit starstruck. I’ve seen all of your films. My favorite is Holiday Bright.”

I laugh. “I was like sixteen when I filmed that.”

“I know!” she exclaims. “But you were so good in it, and I wanted to be your best friend. Sorta how everyone wants to be Taylor Swift's best friend.”

“Yeah, I can get that,” I admit. “I’d like to be best friends with her too. Or at least get sloppy seconds on some of the men she’s dated.”

“Right?” Paige snorts. “I’m there with you on that.”

“Though you’re married to Lenox now. He’s a celebrity. A hot celebrity. Kind of scary and intimidating, but still hot.” Miranda sighs in a self-deprecating way. “I really need to stop speaking.”

“You’re totally fine. I promise. But you mentioned coffee, and I’d like to get off the sidewalk if there’s paparazzi lingering about.”

Brooklynn gives me a funny look as we start walking. “There’s no paparazzi. We scared them all off. I mean, there were several lurking about last week, but we don’t fuck around in this town, especially when it comes to Lenox.”

I trip over my feet. “For real? No paparazzi in town? Does Lenox know this?”

Her eyebrows bounce in surprise at my question. “Of course he knows. The last of them were run out of town on Saturday.”

I wipe at the smirk on my lips. I could kill Lenox, and yet… ugh. That man is a weasel squirming his way back in.

“How’s the nose ring?” Brooklynn asks.

“Good. Healing well, as far as I can tell.”

“It looks like it is,” she asserts, inspecting me. “Wave to my husband.”


She points at the hardware store. “That’s my husband, Max. He owns the hardware store.”

I wave to the tall man inside the store talking to a customer, though he doesn’t seem to notice me. The frosty bite of the wind slaps into us, and we all huddle a bit into our coats, my boots crunching on the fallen leaves strewn about the sidewalk.

“I take it I need to get used to the cold.”

“It’s supposed to snow this weekend,” Paige informs me with an apologetic grimace.

“Ugh,” I moan. “Don’t tell me that. I’m not ready for snow. It’s only the second week of November.”

“Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it already snowed up here. Last month, we had a small storm. You get used to it.” Miranda laughs at my appalled expression.

It’s been a while since I lived in Boston. Four years, to be exact, since I graduated with my master's and then moved back to LA to be near my parents.

“You’re a midwife, right? I mean, not that we haven’t totally cyberstalked you, because we obviously have.”

I laugh at Paige. “Yes, I’m a midwife. And you’re what… sixteen weeks or so?”

“Seventeen. Good call. Brooklynn and I were wondering if you were going to be practicing locally. The nearest OB’s office is at the hospital, which is about forty minutes away. It sucks. It’s the one thing this town is missing. A good women’s health provider.”