“Suzie’s death was not your fault. Do you hear me?”

A nod.

“Good.” I reach up and plant a kiss on his cheek, then release him to head for the front door. I need to leave him. I need to be alone with my thoughts for a while, but before I can escape, he grabs my hand and joins me, leading me out the front of the store and walking us down the sidewalk together like we’re an actual couple. Everyone we pass gives us a doubletake, but no one says anything.

“What are you doing?”

“Giving the paparazzi who are pretending to blend in with the townspeople something to photograph.”

“Fabulous,” I deadpan.

He stops and turns, and without warning, leans in and kisses my lips. And then he hugs me, holding me to him as if I’m something priceless. Something so precious to him that he has to hold me. Whether it’s in gratitude for what I told him or something else, I don’t care.

I needed this hug too. More than I realized.

I clear my throat and push him back. “We already did this show at the game last weekend. What more do we have to prove at this point?”

He starts to walk with me again, still holding my hand. “Since you won’t text him back, I’m simply reiterating to your ex that you’re mine.”

I snort. “I’m not yours, Lenox, and if you want to text him back on my behalf, go for it. I won’t have to deal with him until the board meeting early next month.”

Lenox stops abruptly, his hand jerking me back until I practically slam into his chest. His free hand cups my face, and his eyes blaze directly into mine. “You are mine, Georgia. You’ve always been mine. I just have to get you to forgive me first, and then you’ll know how deep this goes.” He steps into me, his thumb dragging up and down my cheekbone, his eyes scorched with emotion. “Tell me how to get you to forgive me.”

I realize forgiving him isn’t the issue. I think I do forgive him. I think I was nearly there before, but his apology this morning and then again just now solidified it for me. It’s more I’m afraid of what admitting that, especially out loud, will do to me.

His possessive side isn’t new. It was actually one of my favorite things about him. I relished the way he possessed me. Hell, he even said it point-blank on the plane before we ever ended up back in bed with each other. But I’m toying with a slippery slope, and one false move could send me over the edge, falling toward a place I might not return from.

Still, with him looking at me like this, staring so deeply, so intently into my eyes, holding me this way, I find myself asking, “What happens if I forgive you?” Because I need to know his truth. I need to know if I’m the only one at risk here.

Before he can answer, my name is screamed out through the streets. “Georgia!”

Lenox groans, his forehead momentarily falling to mine, before he releases me and takes a step back.

I turn to find Brooklyn hurriedly waddling up the street with two other women, one of them also pregnant, beside her, seemingly just as excited as she is.

“You’re still alive!” she yells since she’s about four storefronts from us. “My husband and I were placing bets on whether or not Lenox had you stuffed in his basement yet or not.”

I raise an eyebrow at her and turn back to Lenox. “You have quite the reputation here.”

He leans in and kisses me. Right here on the sidewalk. Right in front of freaking Brooklyn and these two women and everyone else. Without another word, he turns and walks back toward his shop.

“Yeah, you better go, Lenox. Your dude will be here in about ten.”

I head back toward the ladies. “His dude?”

Brooklynn shrugs. “His hush-hush client that I’m not allowed to discuss since I’ve signed an NDA. He booked four hours with Lenox. It’s why he’s going in today when the shop is technically closed.”

Oh right. I forgot that Lenox said it’s normally closed on Mondays.

“But straight facts, that kiss was hot. I had no idea Lenox was capable.”

I don’t say a word to Brooklynn on that and thankfully, she plows on.

“Georgia, these are two of my friends. This is Miranda,” she introduces, pointing to the tall, willowy brunette on her left, “and this is Paige.” She points to the pregnant blonde, who appears to be about four months, if I had to guess, but she’s all belly.

“Hi! It’s so nice to meet you both.” I shake their hands.

“Miranda works at the library, and Paige owns the yoga studio. We were just on our way for our weekly coffee date, but then saw you, and since everyone in town is dying to meet you, I figured you might want to join us. Did you know the entire town has been trying to set Lenox up for months? He wasn’t biting.”